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与 鞘的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A 2D PIC model was used to simulate the PIII process for a planar target. The simulation results in one whole pulse show that the sheath expands with a decreasing speed and the sheath shape would change form elliptically cylindrical to circularly cylindrical. The dose distribution of ion implantation in the target surface is not uniform, and the concentration depth profiles of retained dose are considerably different, in different positions of the target.


Electrophysciological indexes: in the experimental group ,the tardy rate of induced motorius action potential ,recovery rates of the amplitude of compound muscle action potential and twitch tension and tetanic tension of triceps surae muscle ,were significantly higher than in the control group.(4) Compared with the control group ,the triceps surae muscle wet weight was significantly greater in the experimental group.(5) histomorphological indexes: the count of myelinated nerve fibers ,diameter of regenerated axon,thickness of nerve myelin sheath and area of capillary were much more in the experimental group than in the control group.(6) observation of ultrastructure with the transmission election microscope: more abundant organella and maturer myelin sheath lay in the injured peripheral nerve of the experimental group, while not lay in the control group.


While the tissue spaces surrounding a few blood vessels wasAl and Fg positive,no Al or Fg positive cells were observed.In antemortem injurygroup,diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage,cerebral edema,swelling or pyknotic neu-rons could be observed.The axons showed irregular swelling and disconnection at1~3h,marked swelling and disconnection at 6h,and retraction ball at 15h whichwas more remarkable at 24h after injury.The space between myelin sheaths andaxons was increased at 3~6h after injury.Tortuous and wavelike myelin sheathswhich adhered on axons incompletely,or even peeled off could be found from 15hto 24h after injury.Perinuclear lysis of Nissl bodies began at 24h after injury.Thenumber of GFAP positive cells in cerebrum and brain-stem increased significantlyfollowed by decrease,and then increased again,but the time courses of the changesin different areas of brain were not same.Al and Fg positive neural cells,mainlysurrounded blood vessels,with diffuse or peripherally distributed positive matter incytoplasm could be observed at 0.5h after injury.The number of Al or Fg positivecells and the intensity of immunoreaction increased with the time of injury.The areaof SYN positivity in medulla oblongata and pons decreased notably 3~6h afterinjury,then return to normal levels and continued to 24h after injury.


The critical nitrogen content in heading period was used to calculate the biggest accumulation quantity of nitrogen. The latent distribution index of leaf and stem, which was the variety heredity parameter, were used to distinguish the difference in nitrogen assignment in different varieties. The dynamic content of the nitrogen accumulation before anthesis could be described with a Richards model. The dynamic content of the nitrogen remobilization in leaf with leaf area index could be described with a power model, and the nitrogen absorption of grain from soil with dry weight could be described with a power model. The dynamic content of nitrogen density in stem and spike with physiological development time could be described with a nonlinear model.


The results show that the secretory ducts are schizogenous cavity which are only distributed in the stem and the leaf.The initial of the secretory duct drives from the ground meristem.

结果表明,分泌道为裂生腔隙,只分布于茎和叶中;分泌道原始细胞起源于基本分生组织;分泌道原始细胞团裂隙的扩大靠鞘细胞的插入和上皮细胞自身的切向伸长;成熟的分泌道呈圆形或椭圆形,由一层上皮细胞和其外的1 ~2 层鞘细胞包被。

Basal nodes with a ring of gray-white silky hairs below and above sheath scar; culm sheath apically subtruncate, with a protuberance on one shoulder.


Culms 5–12 m, 2–5 cm in diam.; internodes 15–30 cm, usually strongly shortened and commonly ventricose at basal nodes, distally inflated for several mm below node at mid-culm and basal nodes, initially white powdery, glabrous; wall 4–8 mm thick; nodal ridge as prominent as sheath scar or slightly more prominent; sheath scar initially fringed with white pubescence.


In acoustic neuromas, patients with LOH were younger at the age of diagnosis, and larger tumor size, had shorter history and higher growth rate. Conclusions CHR22 LOH was a frequent event in the tumorigenesis of sporadic schwannoma. The presence of CHR22 LOH was related to clinical features.

CHR22 杂合子丢失是神经鞘瘤发生中的常发事件,缺失的区域包括NF2基因,CHR22 杂合子丢失与听神经瘤的临床行为有一定的关系,CHR22 杂合子丢失可能是神经鞘瘤增殖的重要因素。

More assimilation products were stored in sheathes than those in leaves. 2After rewaterring, net photosynthetic rate and evaporation rate came back quickly, especially D3 and D6 groups whose two photosynthetic indexes were higher than that of control group and then droped back to normal in serveral days.

同化产物在叶片中的含量高于茎鞘,但叶片中的氮素含量低于茎鞘。2恢复灌溉后,受到胁迫的处理组的光合速率、蒸腾速率都迅速升高,干旱3 d和6 d的处理组光合水平超过对照,然后又有所下降,水分利用效率因为蒸腾速率的骤然升高而降低,之后有所恢复。

Culms 2–3.5 m, 0.8–1.5 cm in diam.; internodes 20–28 cm, flattened, grooved, thickly white powdery below nodes, nearly solid; nodes with level or weakly prominent supra-nodal ridge; sheath scar prominent, with persistent remains of sheath base. Branches 5–15, deflexed. Culm sheaths gradually deciduous, ca.


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But we don't care about Battlegrounds.


Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.


Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.

Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。