英语人>网络例句>非道德 相关的搜索结果


与 非道德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Should the law concerned not permit proprietorial rights, but grant the Principal/Supplier other rights of reservation of the goods, the Principal/Supplier is empowered to exercise all of the said rights.

注意:非注册用户没有发表信息的权利。登录点击(最多可以插入5张图片,未登陆状态请手工输入图片url )发言前,请仔细阅读并同意以下注意事项,未注册用户请返回社区首页注册。1。请尊重网上道德;2。遵守互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规

The whole transgression emerged inmoral principles, which are common in the process of the transformation of society, and it'surgent to change the traditional value system.


Based on real cases, this article first gives an account of the implication of resignation for blame. Then taking the Western system of resignation as the standard, it analyzes the characteristics of this kind of resignation in the following three aspects. First, the responsibility of the resignation can be attached only to political ones. Second, informal and unspoken nature is the characteristic of it on its manifestation. Third, this resignation system has a strong moral sense. The writer also lists a series of phenomena of unacclimatization while applying the system in China .


The divinatory symbols enshrouding by non-language "comprehend" meets the need of unity and variety for contemporary philosophic models, and it provides a basis of suvival for rebuilding morality.


Right is to say esteeming and following the rule , but nobleness must be freewill and can


The Chinese nation,whose formation and confirmation is interweaved with the circumstances of protecting the race and guarding the country in modern times,is a sensetive response to the national and ethtic identification crisis as well as the cultural,moral and political approval crises,and is a political and cultural community of a non-single nationality generated in the modernization process.


The third, according to the distinction theory, it is necessary to inspect law as a bad man to find out what consequence it will bring to us. In another word, the prophecies of what the court will do in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by the law. In the gradation of practice, it is the practical use of distinction theory on the practice of law to use the external standard to judge the establishment of liability, which makes the practical value of the theory more clear.


Non-smokers -- such as myself -- are able to take the moral high ground any time a poor, pathetic little smoker dares utter those words "I need a ciggie".


He also insists that it is the gravest of errors to consider the opinions of those who are not experts in ethics.


But there is another interpretation of Confucianism let's call it "left Confucianism" that stresses intellectuals' obligation to criticize bad policies, obliges governments to provide for the people's material well-being and support those without key family relations, and calls for governments to adopt a more international-minded outlook and to rely on moral power rather than military might to pursue political aims.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
