英语人>网络例句>非常地 相关的搜索结果


与 非常地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me.


The number "111" perfectly enunciates the truth that "three creates all things" and the essence of "the De energy is the key to harmony." in trinity.


Does it merely state obscurely what Stephen stated with great clarity seventy years earlier 、' It gratifies a natural public feeling to choose out for punishment the one who actually has caused great harl21.'?


Does it merely state obscurely what Stephen stated with great clarity seventy years earlier ' It gratifies a natural public feeling to choose out for punishment the one who actually has caused great harml21.'?

难道它仅仅是晦涩地表述了斯蒂芬在七十年前便非常清晰地阐述了的道理——&把已实际上引起巨大危害[MS31] 的人挑选出来作为惩罚的对象,满足了[MS32] 公众的一种自然的情感&?

In view of this, the paper has systematically hackled and creatively studied the theoretical basis of financial governance efficiency, such as the contractual theory of the firm, enterprise competence theory, financial rights theory, corporate governance theory, and game theory, which can partially make up for the defects of the study of the theoretical basis of financial governance efficiency, and will bring much better ideas into the subsequent studying.


When i was young, i often saw many people busy in the garden, digging and hoeing the grass, carrying and irrigating, kiling the insec and fertilizing...until the harvest, and then preparing for the seeding for next season, it was quite happy.


She is always an active girl in our class discussing. I still remember the first time we had a class discussing. While most students were sitting there silently for their shyness, afraid of making an utterance lack of maturity, she stood out to be the first one. Though there is something still immature or imperfect in her impromptu speeches, she is always able to speak out her opinions, which are suggestive to us with her creativeness.


To have done is to overreact to the curriculum of the past --- which undoubtedly is guilty of being too formal and too rigid, and of overemphasizing computations at the expense of logical reasoning --- by going to the other extreme of overemphasizing the application-to-everyday-life aspect of school mathematics.


Apparently, Qiu Zhijie is extraordinarily sensitive to things possessing special symbolic significance in a particular historical period. He has highlighted the political significance of those things through his unique artistic language. The spiritual plight, brought about by the conflict between the recessing value system of the era of collectivism and the emerging money-worship value system, is unfolded in a straightforward and yet somewhat absurd way.


Arry, 'e looked uncommon thirsty too, simpered Martha, one of the little kitchen-maids; and her beady black eyes twinkled as they met those of her companion, whereupon both started on a round of short and suppressed giggles.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
