英语人>网络例句>非常地 相关的搜索结果


与 非常地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After a VERY long, very alliterative introduction, it is my very great pleasure to meet you, and you may call me V.


Throughout the tour, we heard testimonies from Ada Choi, Yan Hung, Ning Tse; Shun Kwan Mo and Kin Ting Cheung, enjoyed sketches performed by Tomi Wong and Lik Hang Kwok; were uplifted by music performed by Jiun Yoong Lim, and witnessed the prayer support of Monica Chan. At 75 years, a very youthful Siu Kam Tse participated throughout the missions tour, leading the group in daily devotions and giving the altar call at meetings. The team members consistently reflected their devotion, submission, and humility to the leading of the Holy Spirit as they glorified the Lord.


The person's skull, combine very fine and hard, physiologist and anatomist ran out the method of everything, it integrity cent come out, there is all no this kind of physical strength, afterwards someone invention a method, be some plant of seed's put be just want dissect of skull inside, make with the temperature and the degree of humidity to it it germination, a germination, these seed then with terrible of strength, can't separate the whole machine dint of skeleton, integrity separate.


In order to serve for people, he studies assiduously.


As the man who had been cured passed through the multitude, blessing God at every step, and bearing his burden as if it were a feather's weight, the people fell back to give him room, and with awe-stricken faces gazed upon him, whispering softly among themselves,"We have seen strange things today."


A passerby enjoyed it very wondrously and asked the blindman without reason : What do you do this ?


So when one irate customer stormed my desk , I responded in my calmest voice , What's the trouble ?


A redir host is very flexible, since it can be easily reconfigured to point to another phishing

重新开始。一台redir 主机可以非常灵活,因为它可以通过非常简单地重新配置指向另外一个钓鱼网

"It's very moving to see objects like this underwater, because it's a very peaceful environment, but these subs were designed for aggression," said the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Hans Van Tilburg, who accompanied the expedition.


Yes,English is very 麻烦he answeres.When he picks up his head,he is very shamed, a foreign woman want to purchase the English Muffin...

一天,他正非常繁忙地工作,他听见有人说&English Muffin/玛芬,一种蛋糕&,他回答:&是的,英语很麻烦&当他抬起头时,他非常难堪,原来是一个外国女人想买玛芬。。。

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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
