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与 非常地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Clemenza, immensely tall, immensely huge, danced with such skill and abandon, his hard belly lecherously bumping the breasts of younger, tinier women, that all the guests were applauding him.


This was always right beneath the surface and the downturn has brought it, you know, it has broken through in a very strong way and I think it is going to be the major focus of the Congress as re reconvene.


Don't become nervous, want to know that the answer please to see the following text: BE South Pole living much more of penguin, they are good at sing a song, but have a call a wave of penguin is called into "teratism" by everyone, because it grow and the other penguin be different, his feet compare other penguins big, start to sing song come specially unpleasant to hear, but he only a hear the singing can not control feelings ground to spring up a dance, but all penguins think that he is in disorder moving and everyones don't like him and he feels very standing alone.


Your mind has been conditioned to think that the term 'selfish' represents something very wrong, unspiritual, and the moment you apply that term to anything your mind condemns it.


He was dressed in a particularly gorgeous manner, with plenty of articles of jewellery about him---all about three sizes larger than those which are usually worn by gentlemen---and a rough great-coat, he thrust his left hand the moment he dismounted, while from the other he drew forth with his right, a very bright and glaring silk handkerchief, with which he whiskered a speck or two of dust from his boots, and then, crumbling it in his hand, swaggered up the court.

Dickens, Pickwick Papers 主人是四十来岁的男子,长着黑头发和细心梳理好的胡须,穿戴得非常华丽:戴了大量的珠宝饰物——全都比一般绅士们通常戴的要大三倍光景——外面再加上一件粗质地大衣。他下车就把左手插进大衣的一只口袋,同时用右手从另外一只口袋里掏出一条非常耀眼的丝手绢,用它掸一掸靴子上的一两点灰尘,然后把它捏在手心里,大模大样地走了了胡同。

Nevertheless, it is a very useful piece of equipment and I'm glad that after shopping sooo long for an iPhone speaker system that I chose this one.

不过,这是一个非常有用的一件设备和我非常高兴地看到后,购物sooo长为1 iphone的扬声器系统,我选择了这一个。

"I was already very familiar with that world and his films -- it has always fascinated me," Harrison said of a genius who excelled at the art of the put-on.


It was a spectacular show despite my being exhausted from a tough, sleepless week and then going progressively deaf between 1 and 4 am as the Paul's, smooth and hypnotic trance music reached massive, convulsive, pulsing crescendos.


Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an immediate grossly road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again .


Van Effen was a very very intelligent person whose knife-like intelligence could cope with an extremely wide variety of the world's problems, and although they had known each other for only two years, he had indisputably become Perter Brianson's indispensable lieutenant.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
