英语人>网络例句>非常地 相关的搜索结果


与 非常地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So you're being very, very cautious about every move you make.


We find that this new phenomenon is very interesting, and looks contrary to the usual Christiansen effect, but can be explained with Lorentz dispersion model accurately together, so we call it reverse-Christiansen effect. Exactly at this frequency, the refractive indices of these tow materials are equal, and absorption coefficients are very small.


If you're the spouse who's unsatisfied, it's important to communicate with your partner, compassionately.


If you're the spouse who'sunsatisfied, it's important to communicate with your partner,compassionately.


In a remote mountains, have the hunter with a first-rate marksmanship, one day, he hunts into hill, going, encounter a batch of wolves suddenly, the hunter lifts a gun to want to hit, be in this is wolf mouth conversation, it is OK that you hit me, but I have a condition, the hunter says then you say, the wolf says you can hit me 3 guns, if you are hit,do not die me, do you make I ate you OK, it is OK that the hunter listens to have very much confidence ground says, the hunter opens two guns repeatedly, see a wolf still stand over, the hunter is very amazed, opened the 3rd gun again then, wolf or station are over there, the hunter sees him be defeated pull, say to the wolf you can eat me to pull, the wolf looks say you should take off the dress pull me eating you, the hunter agrees to pull, take off the dress then pull, when taking off last briefs, the wolf sees pull make off at once, running, the wolf encounters one countrywoman, countrywoman asks a wolf, you run what, the wolf says the thing that bets on hill to be pulled, did not think of to there still is a gun below him, countrywoman listens, the 2nd gun that tells a wolf him but very fierce, 10 years ago, I was hit by him one gun, cut still does not have heal now.


It's never easy to play against Crouchie because of his size and I thought we handled him and Defoe very well.


I was so sad to realized the fact that I am depress for tiny and very minor things.


She was madly in love; deadly dull; deadly earnest; deucedly clever; insanely jealous.


She was madly i love deadly dull deadly earnest deucedly clever insanely jealous .


A work of great difficulty to himself, requiring much prudence, zeal and meditation, and to the natural and corrupt man will be very unpleasant ; yet he is to endeavour to perform it in such a manner, that his auditors may fell the word of God to be quick and powerful, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart; and that, if any unbeliever or ignorant person be present, he may have the secrets of his heart made manifest, and give glory to God.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
