英语人>网络例句>雌雄同体的 相关的搜索结果


与 雌雄同体的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its symbolic connotation from this owes to the returning cyclical nature of the seasons; the oscillations of the night sky; self-fecundation; disintegration and re-integration; truth and cognition complete; the Androgyne; the primaeval waters; the potential before the spark of creation; the undifferentiated; the Totality; primordial unity; self-sufficiency, and the idea of the beginning and the end as being a continuous unending principle.


Its symbolic connotationfrom this owes to the returning cyclical nature of the seasons; theoscillations of the night sky; self-fecundation; disintegration andre-integration; truth and cognition complete; the Androgyne; theprimaeval waters; the potential before the spark of creation; theundifferentiated; the Totality; primordial unity; self-sufficiency, andthe idea of the beginning and the end as being a continuous unendingprinciple.


The mediating figure between these contrasted halves is the angel, who is also, as so often in Caravaggio, sexually indeterminate: androgynous, epicene, a boy-girl, a short-haired youth with a round rosy bottom like a nymph's.


We can see, from their previous solo shows and works, themes and feelings that are specific to their time, such as narcissism, hermaphroditism, asexual gender, supernatural and science fiction, etc.


Having both hermaphroditic and unisexual flowers on the same plant or on separate plants of the same species.


Specimen within a species differing from other specimens in consequence of intrapopulational variability (e.g. opposite sexes, castes, gynandromorphs and intersexes, aberrant individuals, age and seasonal forms, variants of noninterrupted variability or polymorphism, differing generations).


Jones explains, for example, how cherubim became cherubs, and why angels in the Hebrew Bible are typically male, but in later art became androgynous, or even female by the twentieth century.


He singer of Tokio Hotel as mysterious and androgynous looks like King Michael in his heydays.


This thesis, from the point of feminism, intends to illustrate her fluid and changeable writing strategies and proposes her ideal of androgyny through the analysis of Emily Dickinson's letters and poems.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
