英语人>网络例句>雌蕊的 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The developmental process of W. delavayi indicated that the syncarpous and uniloculate gynoecium was in fact bicarpellate, which consisted of a fertile carpel and a sterile one. It was pseudomonomerous.


Gynoecium (2 or)3-5(-15)-carpellate, gynophore present or rarely absent; ovary superior, entire or deeply lobed, generally long styled; placentation basal, axile or parietal, rarely laminar; ovules 1 or 2 or numerous per locule; stigma entire or sometimes shortly divided at apex. Fruit fleshy or non-fleshy, generally a septicidal capsule, rarely a nut with accrescent sepals or a drupe, or separating into up to 15 blackish drupelets on a colored accrescent receptacle.

雌蕊群(2或者) 3-5 (-15)具心皮,雌蕊柄有或有时无;子房上位,全缘的或者深裂,通常有长花柱;胎座式为基底胎座,中轴胎座或者侧膜胎座,很少片状胎座;胚珠1或每子房室或许多的2;柱头全缘或者有时在先端短裂。

The term pistil or compound pistil is also used to mean one or many carpels respectively.


The female reproductive organs of a flower;the pistil or pistil s considered as a group.


The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.


Thpetum is the gland cell type. The pistil has two carpels, the ovules belong to straight ovules with bitegmic;77% nucellus stoped development before from the archesporial cell and disappear and 23% nucellus atrophy .so the flower cannot grow seeds.

安祖花的雌蕊是由2 心皮组成,胚珠为直生胚珠,双珠被,77%珠心细胞在胞原细胞形成之前停止发育,并且逐渐解体消失,23%珠心细胞发生萎缩,导致雌蕊败育。

The reproductive development process of birch was described as follows: Male inflorescences extended from apical bud in early June. In later June, stamen primodium was differentiated in the bract of male inflorescence and the differentiation of bract was generated in female inflorescence. During July, anther layers and archesporial cell were differentiated in anther, then archesporial cell developed into mother microspore cell. Pistil primodium came into being at the same time. In early part of August the meiosis of mother microspore cell started. In later August, mono-nucleus microspore was formed. After September, both male inflorescence and female inflorescence were dormant.


Botany having gynoecia, or pistils, the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant .


having gynoecia, or pistils, the ovule-bearing organ of a seed pl .


Mostof florets were made up of normal paleola, more pistils, fewer stamens and 40.4% of themconsisted of three pistils, 45.25% four pistils. Most anthers were malformation and onestamen had two anthers in some florets. More than 97% ovarys were abnormal, 2/3 ofwhich consisted twin-ovary, and 2 to 4 stigmas were on the same ovary. 7.6% floretsdisplayed stamen- origin pistils.


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