英语人>网络例句>雌蕊的 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers bisexual; staminal filaments with an indumentum; gynoecium ± half as long as petals; seed coat with thick inner layer of dense black sclerenchyma and an outer layer of compact dull to ± shiny parenchymatous tissue.

花两性 花丝与一毛被一起;雌蕊群±一半与花瓣等长;种子对多少发亮的parenchymatous组织涂上厚内部层紧密的黑色的sclerenchyma 和一层外部的小型暗。

The study was to reveal the mechanism of pistil dysplasia of apricot.


With American botanist cypress apply reach Halier, the really beautiful doctrine that British botanist breaths out Qin Song to be a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm is come by evolution of ball of leaf of primitive gymnospermous bisexual spore, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is the Benneisu that in coming from gymnosperm, eradicates already iron eye, draft Su Tie especially , the bud on ball of its spore leaf piece evolve for perianth, sporule leaf evolves for stamen, big spore leaf evolves for pistil , axis of ball of its spore leaf shortens for rachis.


Plant monoecious. Male flowers sometimes solitary, sometimes in a thyrse 5-7 cm, 2-3 cm in diam.; pedicels 0.8-1.5 cm; sepals 2 large, 2 small; petals orange, obovate, 1-5 × as long as sepals; stamen fascicles stalk 2-3 mm, each fascicle with 50 anthers; anthers aggregated into a head, 2-celled, cells longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode columnar; stigma distinctly peltate, 4-lobed.

雌雄同株;雄花有时单生,有时在一聚伞圆锥花序内5-7厘米,直径2-3厘米;花梗0.8-1.5厘米;大的萼片2,小的2;花瓣橙,倒卵形,长为萼片的1-5 倍;雄蕊束簇柄2-3毫米,每束簇具50花药;花药聚生为头状花序,2室,室纵向开裂;退化雌蕊柱状;柱头清楚的盾形,4裂。

These male sterile transgenic plants with TA29 Barnase gene have the same horticultural characters which can be also inherited steadily by plants in next generation as non transgenic ones. But their flowers bear fully catagenetic stamen lacking pollens, normal fragrant nectaries and strong pistils able to receive pollens from other plants or different cultivars and set seeds. At the meantime, the sterility i...

带有TA 2 9 Barnase基因的雄性不育植株的园艺学性状与未转化植株相同,并且其性状在后代中稳定不变;不育植株的花朵表现雄蕊完全退化,但蜜腺和雌蕊健全,能接受外来花粉,杂交结实率较高;同时,雄性不育植株的不育性在后代中出现分离,不育株率占 12 。5%~ 85.7%;此外,不育性状具有镶嵌性

Pollen-tube growth down the style is both positively and negatively chemotropic; the tube grows toward chemicals secreted by the pistil, and away from atmospheric oxygen.


Stamens inserted at lower third of corolla tube; anthers sagittate, connivent, adherent to pistil head, anther tips included or exserted, cells spurred at base; disc scales 5, free.

在更低的花冠筒中的第3 着生的雄蕊;箭头形,靠合,附着的花药兑一雌蕊头状花序,花药端部包括或,室基部具距;花盘鳞片5,离生。

Flowers bisexual; stamens 2 × as many as petals or rarely fewer; gynoecium 2-5-loculed; ovules 1 or 2 per locule; fruit either without pulp vesicles or with sessile pulp vesicles; leaves odd-pinnately 3- to many foliolate, digitately 3-foliolate, 1-foliol

花两性 雄蕊2 *更少的花瓣或很少的同数;雌蕊群2-5室;胚珠每室1或2;果或者没有果肉囊或具无梗果肉囊;奇数羽状复叶的叶3-对具小叶的很多,掌状具3小叶,1-foliol 16

Leaves odd-pinnately 3- to many foliolate or sometimes digitately 3-foliolate (occasional leaves even-pinnate, 2-foliolate, or 1-foliolate); functional gynoecium 1-5-loculed, with distinct carpels or carpels basally connate; fruit of 1-5 distinct or basal

叶奇数羽状复叶3-对具小叶的很多或有时具3小叶偶然偶数羽状复叶,2具小叶,或单身复叶;功能的雌蕊群1-5室,具离生的心皮或心皮基部合生; 1-5离生或者基部的果 1 Zanthoxylum 花椒属

To detect such correlations, which may provide insight to understand flower evolution, 40 Pedicularis species representing all corolla types of the genus were studied.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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