英语人>网络例句>雌蕊的 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stamens connivent around gynoecium; filaments free, short; anthers 2-celled, with a distinct membranous connective appendage, lower two with a patent gland at base.


Stamens inserted near base or middle of corolla tube; anthers sagittate, connivent, adherent to pistil head, cells spurred at base; disc ringlike, fleshy, shorter than ovary, apex 5-cleft.


Stamens inserted at apex of corolla tube; anthers sagittate, with a bristly, filiform apical appendage, pilose, connivent, adherent to pistil head; disc absent.


Male flowers: perianth lobes 4 or 5, elliptic, connate 1/2 of length, slightly valvate, apex usually corniculate; stamens as many as and opposite to perianth lobes; filaments inflexed in bud; rudimentary pistil small.

雄花: 花被裂片4或5,椭圆,合生的长度达1/2,稍镊合状,先端通常具小角状突起;雄蕊同数的和对生于花被裂片;花丝在芽中内折;不发育雌蕊小。

Inflorescences terminal; flowers male, female, or sometimes bisexual; functional gynoecium 2-5-loculed, syncarpous; fruit drupaceous berry, with 1-5 1-seeded leathery pyrenes.

花序顶生有时的花雄性,女性,或两性;功能的雌蕊群2-5室,合心皮;果为核果浆果,具种子革质。 13 Skimmia 茵芋属

The petal of Gli CMS crimples.The stamen turns into featheriness, the form of the petal , silk form or degradates. Without anther structure, the carpel, it is protruding that the outer edge grows tumour form.The growing style of stamen and pistil is the adhesion type or the scattered type. The shape of pistil is straight or hooked. The opening style of flower is full-nfolded,half-closed or full-closed.

Gli CMS的花瓣皱缩,雄蕊变为羽毛状、花瓣状、丝状或者退化;无花药结构,心皮化,周缘生有瘤状突起;雌雄蕊着生方式为粘连型,有的是散生型;雌蕊有的是直柱形,有的是钩型的;花朵开放方式为全展型、半闭型和全闭型。

Recent data have provided clear insights into some aspects of self-recognition and rejection in the SI response of three types,the single-locus sporophytic and two distinct forms of single-locus gametophytic SI.


Gynoecium superior, of 1-5 distinct carpels with adaxial-basal style; ovary with (1 or)2(-5) ovules; ovule basal-marginal or marginal; style gynobasic; stigma clavate to capitate.


In conclusion,sex expression of Lagenaria leucantha can be effective-ly modified by phytohormones.

用110m Ag-STS示踪结果表明,乙烯拮抗剂STS在雄蕊里积累的量显著地多于在雌蕊中积累的量。

Gynoecium of 2 carpels united into a compound and 1-loculed ovary; styles distinct or united only at base; ovule solitary, basal, erect, orthotropous.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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