英语人>网络例句>雌蕊的 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Epigyny The type of flower structure in which the perianth and androecium are inserted above the gynoecium, giving an inferior ovary, fused with the receptacle.


A cup-shaped extension of the floral axis usually formed from the union of the basal parts of the calyx, corolla, and androecium, commonly surrounding or enclosing the pistils.

托杯,被丝托 Hypanthium 花轴的杯状延伸部分,常由花萼、花冠和雄蕊群的基部联合而成,通常包围或包裹着雌蕊。

In an apocarpous gynoecium it corresponds to the carpel,while in a syncarpous gynoecmm it is made up of two or more fused carpels.


Gynobase subulate, surpassing nutlets by ca. 1.5 mm. Style short, exceeding gynobase.


3 Mm. Style persistent on apex of gynobase in fruit, surpassing nutlets, ca. 0.6 mm. Nutlets obliquely narrowly ovoid, 2-3 mm, tubercles stellate pubescent at apex. Fl. Apr-May.

花药长约0.3毫米花柱宿存在雌蕊基在果期的先端上,胜过小坚果,0.6毫米小坚果斜狭卵球形,2-3毫米的约,花期 4-5月。

Gynoecium of 1-5 distinct 1-loculed carpels or 2 to many partially to completely connate carpels; placentation axile ; ovules 1 to many per locule.


Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete or latiseptate; valves with a prominent midvein and often distinct marginal veins, glabrous or glandular, torulose; gynophore obsolete, rarely to 1 mm; replum flattened; septum complete; style obsolete or to 3 mm; stigma capitate, slightly lobed, rarely prominently lobed and subdecurrent.


Fruit ellipsoid or oblong, rarely ovoid or linear-ellipsoid,(3-)5-9(-10)× 1.5-2.5 mm, cuneate at least at apex; valves with a prominent midvein; gynophore obsolete or to 0.5 mm; septum perforated or complete, with a midvein distally; style 0.5-1(-1.5) mm. Seeds brown, oblong or subovate, 1.1-1.8 × 0.8-1.1 mm.

果椭圆形或长圆形,很少卵球形的或线形椭圆形,( 3-)5-9(-10)* 1.5-2.5 毫米,楔形的至少在先端;裂爿具一突出中脉;雌蕊柄过时或者对0.5毫米;隔膜具孔或者完全,具一中脉上部;花柱0.5-1(-1.5)毫米种子棕色,长圆形或, 1.1-1.8 * 0.8-1.1 毫米。

Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete or slightly flattened and latiseptate; valves papery, with an obscure midvein, pubescent with malpighiaceous trichomes, smooth; gynophore absent; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous; style to 1 mm; stigma capitate, subentire.


The exposed pistils can be pollinated immediately.


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