英语人>网络例句>雌蕊柄 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊柄 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete or slightly flattened and latiseptate; valves papery, with an obscure midvein, pubescent with malpighiaceous trichomes, smooth; gynophore absent; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous; style to 1 mm; stigma capitate, subentire.


Fruit indehiscent, samaroid siliques or silicles, oblong, ovate, obovate, cordate, elliptic, oblanceolate, spatulate, or orbicular, strongly angustiseptate, sessile, prominently winged all around or distally, 1(or 2)-seeded, glabrous or hairy, smooth; seed-bearing locule papery or corky, prominently or obscurely 1- or 3-veined, sometimes keeled or shortly winged; valves and replum united; gynophore, style, and septum absent; stigma capitate, entire.


Pistillode 1.5-2 mm in male flowers. Fruit globose, 8-10 mm wide; stipes 5-9 mm.


Plant monoecious. Male flowers sometimes solitary, sometimes in a thyrse 5-7 cm, 2-3 cm in diam.; pedicels 0.8-1.5 cm; sepals 2 large, 2 small; petals orange, obovate, 1-5 × as long as sepals; stamen fascicles stalk 2-3 mm, each fascicle with 50 anthers; anthers aggregated into a head, 2-celled, cells longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode columnar; stigma distinctly peltate, 4-lobed.

雌雄同株;雄花有时单生,有时在一聚伞圆锥花序内5-7厘米,直径2-3厘米;花梗0.8-1.5厘米;大的萼片2,小的2;花瓣橙,倒卵形,长为萼片的1-5 倍;雄蕊束簇柄2-3毫米,每束簇具50花药;花药聚生为头状花序,2室,室纵向开裂;退化雌蕊柱状;柱头清楚的盾形,4裂。

Flowers bisexual or bisexual and male; stamens more than 2 × as many as petals; gynoecium 2- to many loculed; ovules 2 to many per locule; fruit with stalked or rarely sessile pulp vesicles; leaves odd-pinnately 3(or 5)-foliolate, digitately 3-foliolate

花两性或两性和男性;雄蕊超过2 *同数花瓣;第2-到多室雌蕊群;胚珠2到多数每室;果具柄或很少无梗果肉囊;具小叶叶奇数羽状复叶的3(或5),掌状具3小叶, 15

Involucral bracts sessile; pistils and achenes pubescent.


Inflorescence spikelike, cylindrical, composed of spiny or bristly deciduous burrs arranged along an angular, often sinuous rachis; burrs sessile or with an obconical basal stipe, each composed of 1 or more sessile spikelets surrounded by an involucre of spines and bristles; bristles flexuous or more often spinous,± flattened, grooved on the outer face, united below, the degree of union varying from a small basal disk to a deep cupule, inner spines or bristles often ciliate around spikelets. Spikelets lanceolate, acute; glumes unequal, shorter than spikelet, lower sometimes suppressed; lower floret membranous, staminate or neuter; upper floret firmer, protogynous.


Umbrella form inflorescence normally 2~4 bunch gives birth to short branch of Yu Xie armpit, short branch grows 1~2 millimeter; Inflorescence total stalk grows 5~10 millimeter, by short fluff; Bud piece 4, wide egg form, have 5~6 arteries and veins, outside a few without wool, inside face by white short fluff; Inflorescence of each umbrella form has beautiful 4~6, the leaf is opened or open at the same time with the leaf first; Peduncular grow about 1.5 millimeter, close by white fluff; Perianth piece 6, elliptic, two sides by short fluff; In male flower can Yo is staminal 9, filament has grey yellow fluff, form of heart of shape of aegis of body of gland of ministry of the 3rd round of stamen radical, do not have a handle nearly, degrade pistil is not had; Stamen degrades in female flower 9, staff state, by grey yellow fluff, ovarian crock form, style is dumpy, post head shape, shallow crack.


Male flowers small, 1-3 per bract-axil, subsessile; sepals 3, free or very indistinctly connate at base; petals and disk absent; stamens 3; filaments free; anthers longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode absent.

雄花小,1-3 每苞片,近无柄;萼片3,离生或非常不清楚在基部合生;花瓣和花盘无;雄蕊3;花丝离生花药纵向开裂;无退化雌蕊。

Fruit on gynophores to 5 mm, terminal segment (0.5-)1-2.5(-3) mm; sepals 3-4(-4.5) mm

雌蕊柄兑5毫米,顶生裂片上果0.5-1-2.5(-3)毫米;萼片3-4(-4.5)毫米 6 B。

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