英语人>网络例句>雌蕊 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Botany A columnlike structure, especially one formed by the union of a stamen and the style in an orchid flower, or one formed by the united staminal filaments in flowers such as those of the hibiscus or mallow.


Abortive pistil in staminate flowers minute.


Flowers in short racemes or cymes to 5 cm, these axillary or terminating short lateral branches; stamen or staminode filaments glabrous, or with short hairs in lower half; disk annular or comprised of connate or free glands, in an extragynoecial or extras

花生于短总状花序或聚伞花序到5厘米,这些腋生的或顶生短侧枝;雄蕊或退化雄蕊花丝无毛,或具短毛在下半部;包括合生的或离生腺体的花盘环状或,在雌蕊群外或额外费用里 Flacourtia or Xylosma

Gynoecium 3-5(or 6)-carpelled and -loculed; ovaries axially or ± completely connate; placentation apical-axile; ovules pendulous, solitary or collateral in each locule; style terminal, stylar elements coherent or rarely distinct at base; stigma 3- or 4-branched or capitate.


Gynoecium 3-5-loculed, syncarpous; radial walls of locules becoming curved after anthesis; ovules 2 per locule; style to 1.5 × as long as ovary, deciduous in fruit.


Stamens 8 or 10, distinct, alternately unequal in length; filaments ± abruptly dilated toward base,± straight or geniculate. Disk columnar, conic, bell-shaped, or ± hourglass-shaped. Gynoecium (2-)4- or 5-loculed, syncarpous; radial walls of locules straight; ovules 2 per locule; style 0.5-2.5 × as long as ovary, deciduous in fruit.

雄蕊8或10,离生,交替不等长;花丝在基部多少突然膨大,多少直立或膝曲;花盘柱状,圆锥状,铃状,或多少沙漏状;雌蕊群(2-)4或5室,合心皮;子房室径壁直;每室胚珠2;花柱0.5-2.5 *等长于子房,在果期落叶。

No pumpkins will grow if the female flower is not pollinated at the right time.


No pumpkins will grow if the female flower is not pollinated at the right time.


No pumpkins will grow if the female flower is not pollinated at the right time.


With the aid of aniline blue staining, pollen tube growth in pistil tissue was observed in Arabidopsis thaliana, and the growth speed of pollen tubes in style and ovary were calculated, the results showed that the pollen tube grew faster as time goes on.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
