英语人>网络例句>雌蕊 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sepals rounded to acuminate, emarginate, or mucronulate but never awned at or near apex; corolla mostly funnelform, or campanulate, sometimes salverform; stamens and pistil mostly included, sometimes exserted.


Male flowers: sepals mostly 5, imbricate to valvate, free; petals 5, smaller or nearly equal to sepals; disk glandular, usually 5, and opposite sepals; stamens 10-20; filaments free, inflexed in bud; anthers muticous; pistillode absent.

雄花: 多数的萼片5,覆瓦状到镊合状,离生;花瓣5,小或近等长于萼片;花盘具腺,通常5,与萼片对生;雄蕊10-20;花丝离生,在芽中内折;花药钝;无退化雌蕊

Rhizome long and thin or shortly nodulose; leaf blade ternate, petiole narrow; involucral bracts petiolate; pistils and achenes with distinct style and small, usually linear stigma.


Some morphological and anatomical observations on both male and bisexual flowers were made in different developmental stages. The right stage when the selective abortion happened in male flower was ascertained preliminarily. The result was that the ovule in ovary of male flower abored when the megasporocyte was not formed in nucellar tissue.


Pistils 3--18, simple, obclavate or ventricose.


Inflorescence spikelike, cylindrical, composed of spiny or bristly deciduous burrs arranged along an angular, often sinuous rachis; burrs sessile or with an obconical basal stipe, each composed of 1 or more sessile spikelets surrounded by an involucre of spines and bristles; bristles flexuous or more often spinous,± flattened, grooved on the outer face, united below, the degree of union varying from a small basal disk to a deep cupule, inner spines or bristles often ciliate around spikelets. Spikelets lanceolate, acute; glumes unequal, shorter than spikelet, lower sometimes suppressed; lower floret membranous, staminate or neuter; upper floret firmer, protogynous.


Gynoecium of 2 carpels united into a compound and 1-loculed ovary; styles distinct or united only at base; ovule solitary, basal, erect, orthotropous.


Bisexual flowers: stamens 1 or 3, inserted on 1 side of ovary; filaments inconspicuous; connectives conspicuous, if stamens 3, connectives connate at base or free; anthers 1- or 2-loculed, longitudinally dehiscent; pistil 1, 1-carpelled; ovary inferior, 1-loculed; ovule 1, pendulous, orthotropous; style short or absent.


Peduncle red to purple glandular pubescent to villous; leaf blade narrowly oblong to lanceolate, abaxially densely light brown pannose; lateral veins indistinct; corolla limb 2-lipped; stamens ca. 4 mm; pistil 5-8 mm

花序梗红色到紫色腺状短柔毛到具长柔毛;叶片狭长圆形到披针形,背面浓密浅褐色;侧脉不清楚;花冠瓣片二唇形;雄蕊约4毫米;雌蕊5-8毫米 15 Oreocharis henryana 川滇马铃苣苔

Any of various climbing,tendril - bearing,chiefly tropical American vines of the genus Passiflora,having large,showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamen s and pistil.


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