英语人>网络例句>雌蕊 相关的搜索结果


与 雌蕊 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sepal apex not aristate; pistil 2-carpeled; style apex 2-fid; leaves oblong, elliptic, or subcordate; herbs perennial

萼片先端不具芒;雌蕊2心皮;花柱先端2裂;叶长圆形,椭圆形,或近心形;多年生草本 2 Herniaria 治疝草属

Sepals distinctly awned at or below apex; corolla salverform with a long narrow tube; stamens and pistil mostly exserted.


Female flowers solitary or several and male mixed in axillary cluster; pedicels 2-6 cm; calyx yellow-green, 6-lobed; sepals slightly thick, biseriate, outer obovate or subspatulate, ovate-elliptic, 6-7 × 3-4 mm, inner shorter, obovate, ca. 5 mm, with purple stripes; disk absent; pistil depressed globose, ca. 2 × 2.7 mm, 3-locular; styles 3, bifid at apex, arms recurved.

雌花单生或数个雌花和雄花在腋生簇束里混生;花梗2-6厘米;花萼黄绿色,6裂;萼片稍厚, 2列,外部倒卵形或近匙形,卵状椭圆形, 6-7 * 3-4 毫米,内部的短,倒卵形,长约5毫米,有紫色条纹;花盘无;雌蕊扁球形,约2×2.7毫米,3室;花柱3,在先端2裂,裂片下弯。

Using cytohischemical staining methods, with the results of comparison the dynamics of proteins and polysaccharides in the anthe wall cells and colule cells of different developmental phases in female and male flowers, the anormogenesis of anther tapetum in the inflecting phase of from bisexual flower to unisexual flower was observed. In microspore developed phase, the tapetum functions of preserving and transportingmutritive material for microspore development and of secreting callosal enzyme for decompositing callosal cell lost no normal guadrant formed, of being abnormal meiose of pollen mother cells, and then, the stamen aborted selectively in female flowers and pistil in male flower.


The ovary is composed of 2 carpels where a parietal placentation is formed, on which many campylotropous ovules grow. The ovule is bitegminous and tenuinucellate.


Pistil and style 1; stigma minute, capitate or truncate.


Disk pulvinate. Gynoecium (2 or)3-5-carpelled; ovaries connate in ± their basal half, otherwise contiguous; ovules few or several per locule; style lateral, of (2 or)3-5 contiguous or connate stylar elements; stigma punctiform or capitellate.


Gynoecium 4-carpelled, rudimentary or lacking in male flowers; ovaries connate at base, otherwise contiguous ; ovules [1 or] 2 per locule; style apical or subapical, of 4 contiguous, coherent, or connate stylar elements; stigma usually punctiform, capitellate, or capitate.

雌蕊4心皮,在雄花内不发育或缺如;子房在基部合生,或邻接;胚珠 [1或者 ]2每室;花柱顶端或近尖端,具4枚邻接,连着,或合生的花柱单体;柱头通常点状,小头状,或头状。

These male sterile transgenic plants with TA29 Barnase gene have the same horticultural characters which can be also inherited steadily by plants in next generation as non transgenic ones. But their flowers bear fully catagenetic stamen lacking pollens, normal fragrant nectaries and strong pistils able to receive pollens from other plants or different cultivars and set seeds. At the meantime, the sterility i...

带有TA 2 9 Barnase基因的雄性不育植株的园艺学性状与未转化植株相同,并且其性状在后代中稳定不变;不育植株的花朵表现雄蕊完全退化,但蜜腺和雌蕊健全,能接受外来花粉,杂交结实率较高;同时,雄性不育植株的不育性在后代中出现分离,不育株率占 12 。5%~ 85.7%;此外,不育性状具有镶嵌性

Pollen-tube growth down the style is both positively and negatively chemotropic; the tube grows toward chemicals secreted by the pistil, and away from atmospheric oxygen.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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