英语人>网络例句>集团 相关的搜索结果


与 集团 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1997, Mr Agon created, at the request of Lindsay Owen-Jones, the Asia Zone and took on the responsibility of all the group's activities in this region- Professional Products; Consumer Products, Luxury Products and Active Cosmetics.


In July 2005, Mr Agon came back to the group's head-office in Paris to prepare, along side Mr Owen-Jones, his new role as Group Chief Executive Officer.


Hao Jiang was flying secret group of senior employees, this, he orders from the Group of Jackson aide-de-camp, came to pick up.


Festive feast are Wuliangye Group health alcohol alcohol focus this year to create a new brand, in the next two to three years Wuliangye Group of health care are the pillars of the company wine brands.


You will have an appetite for learning and travelling, will speak excellent English and one of the following languages: Mandarin, French, Russian, Spanish or Portuguese.


Optimizing the Company's use of its real estate assets to improve ancillary revenue, such as condominium sales and restaurant, beverage and parking revenue from the Company's hotels and resorts


Shenzhen Angel Food Angel Group was founded in 1986, is a import and export trade, production and processing, brand agents, bio-technology and investment into a diversified business group.


Ethnic and cultural differences between the Muslim north and the mainly Christian and animist south have remained deep in the 53 years since Sudan's independence from British colonial rule.


The Indonesian beer market is dominated by Heineken, owner of Bintang, which was the Dutch brewer's first brewery outside the Netherlands in 1929. This local favourite has half the market, while the San Miguel-dominated Anker has around a quarter and Guinness has one-sixth.

印尼的国内啤酒市场被喜力集团控制, Bintang酒厂,是他的拥有者荷兰喜力在1929年建造的本土外的第一家海外工厂,这个当地人喜爱的品牌占据了印尼一半的市场,同时生力集团的Anker控制了余下的1/4,健力士控制了1/6。

China's Antaeus Group and the Canadian company Fairmont Hotels and Resorts signed an agreement last Sunday to build China's first seven-star hotel in Sanya.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
