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2 The result of electron microscope cytochemistry stain: The positive production of ACPase was present black lead phosphate deposit with high electron-dense under light microscope, located in cytoplasm or apophysis mainly. Lysosome was located in cytoplasm in the earlier of differentiation, then was present in apophysis with it grew.

4.2 电镜酶细胞化学染色结果:电镜下ACPase阳性产物为电子致密度高的黑色磷酸铅沉淀,主要分布于神经元的胞浆中或突起内,神经元分化的初期,溶酶体集中分布于胞质内,随突起的长出,可见在突起内出现。

Also on the agenda for next year: a proposal, backed by some influential lawlaw-makers, to split the INS into two agencies -- a good cop that would tend to service functions like processing citizenship papers and a bad deportation cop that would concentrate on border inspections, deportation and other CETfunctions.

CET-6, 2004.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 5 列入明年的议程的也会还有:列入明年的议程的也会还有:有影响的立法者所支持把移民归化局划分为两个机构的建议:一个好警察,他们的职责侧重于服务,审核公民证件等;机构的建议:一个好警察,他们的职责侧重于服务,如:审核公民证件等;另一个是坏警察,他们集中精力执行边境视察,驱逐出境和其他职责。

Other courses like dendrology for gardening, taxonomy of seed plants, plant classification or plant systematics may be similar or overlap in some degrees. However, dendrology focuses on woody plants, especially on trees from gymnosperms and dicotylerdons of angiosperms. Dendrology for gardening is more suitable for students from specialties relating to gardening.


Hensel in a paper which was concerned with the development of algebraic numbers in power series. In the beginning, they were used mainly in number theory.


In the analysis, firstly, the flux boundary condition is used to simulate the frictional heat resource between wheel and rail. The non-steady heat transfer between the contacting surfaces of the wheel/rail, heat-convection and radiation between the wheel/rail and the ambient were all taken into consideration. Therefore, a heat coupling model of the wheel/rail in rolling/sliding is put forward to calculate the frictional temperature rise in the wheel and rail. Secondly, after the temperature distribution of wheel/rail, due to friction, is calculated, substitute the thermal load with equivalent fictitious body force and boundary distributed force loaded on the nodes of the corresponding elements. The wheel-load is applied to the center of the wheel.


ID〓 is characterized by the fast speed of training and classifying, and it can be applied to large-scaled learning problems. But the selection criterion of attribute is the core of ID〓, and is now doubted. AQ〓 is a type of decision rule induction, presented by Michalski, a scientist of U. S.. It is characterized by high-precision classifying and capability of knowledge expression, and it can be applied to automatic knowledge acquisition in expert system. However, the inducing and matching speed of AQ〓 is slow.


Small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood .


For the increase rate of patent accept, the provinces showing significant "Low-Low" correlation mainly distributed in the northeast of China and the provinces of significant "High-High" correlation were mainly located at eastern China. For the increase rate of patent authorization, the provinces displaying significant "Low-Low" correlation mainly centered on southern China and the provinces of significant "High-High" correlation were mainly situated at western China and eastern China.


Intravoneous injection of 0.5mg/kgBW jingsongling cause the 60 minutesrelaxation of goat gastric motor.The effects of jingsongling on the gastric motor ofgoat is major of effects of α2 -adrenoceptor agonist,as well as that of α1 -adrenoceptor agonist,the effects of α1 -adrenoceptor agonist concentrate at thecardic and pylorus;the function of α2 -adrenoceptor exit widely at cardic,pylorus,rumen,reticulum,omasum and abomasum,the function at different part is not the same.The lowestdose of jingsonglinginhibiting the amplitude and frequency of the gastricmyoelectric is 0.01mg/kgBW;the influence of jingsonglingto the gastricmotility of goat is dose-dependent,and the amplitude regain after the frequency ofgastric myoelectriv wave.When the goat revived,the gastric motor function is notreach the level of the normal;the major reason ofjingsongling cause the goat gastricrelaxation is the amplitude renew slowly.The intravoneous injection ofjingsonglingfirst,after 5 minutes,intravoneous injection the antagonist,the effect of prazosin and idazoxan mixed is best,which can fast reversal of theinhibition of jingsongling on the gastric motor of goat,the effects of idazoxan isgood,and the prazosin block the effection of jingsongling is better than that ofxylazine,especially at cardia and pylorus.When intravoneous injection of0.5mg/kgBW idazoxan and/or prazosin only,the amplitude of gastric myoelectric ingoat increases at a certain degree,but the frequency is not changed.


Go to face the sea companys city after that day in specifying time concentrating, embarking luxurious aerobus to fly to the pass west of Osaka getting empty harbor,, here is the concentration ground of each name of world card, then enjoy use of dinner behind into stay at a cabaret rest.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
