英语人>网络例句>隐秘的 相关的搜索结果


与 隐秘的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was not the pullulation of two divergent, parallel, and finally converging armies, but an agitation more inaccessible, more intimate, prefigured by them in some way.


And after the nadir of the winter solstice the new sun secretly climbs towards the eastern horizon while the tide ebbs further and further out to final emptiness, whereupon Sol's nascent progression is suddenly announced at the vernal equinox, when he appears so resplendently above the distant waves and enters the upper vessel of day, which heralds the turn of tide, the reversal of regression to forward flow.


Offical news: About Ai, Aoyoma-sensei gave out the final answer. On the last few chapters/episodes, Ai will be secretively shot by the Organization. Aoyoma-sensei has already completed with the drawing of this part of the story.


The advantage of Shamsi is that it provides a discreet launchpad within minutes of Quetta — a known Taleban staging post — as well as Taleban infiltration routes into Afghanistan and potential militant targets farther afield.


How many years have passed How many times have the walls been brushed Like clothes, and more like skins Testifying for former residents Furnishings get along well with each other Though they are covered with dust They are not in any disorder And still stiffly remember the past The fingers for the piano have been remarried The keys are still disseminating fragrance Love has moved to other eaves Whose face is still shimmering in the album The world map is like a holy saint Holding his ground at a distinct corner While covert walks and windows Will never be able to line out Solitude is accompanying meditation There is not a single book leaf left Friends have come to deliver complaints and wishes And have taken ashtray and flagon Other seasons will descend Smiles will be fresh in the rain And fill the whole half-old vase While covers are inhabiting all the walls There will be mirrors to consume beauty There will be shoulders to lift the brain Behind cleaning milk and vanishing cream There will be face half hidden The age of sail has gone Yet there are new routes to be inaugurated Glass will gain masks Vacant rooms will gestate once again


At the edge of city, the anchorless Liang Shan Bo knew from the unacquainted Old drunkard that, there would be a special wedding in the "world terminus", and he was curious about it.


At the edge of city, the anchorless Liang Shan Bo knew from the unacquainted Old drunkard that, there would be a special wedding in the "world terminus", and he was curious about it. Being leaded by Old drunkard, he came into the "world terminus", and made friend with the Little girl who desired to meet her mother again after become human.


For it is most true, that a natural and secret hatred , and aversation towards society.


For it is most true, that a natural and secret hatred, and aversation towards society, in any man, hath somewhat of the savage beast; but it is most untrue, that it should have any character at all, of the divine nature


While "Haze" only rhymes with the heroine's real surname, her first name is too closely interwound with the inmost fiber of the book to allow one to alter it; nor (as the reader will perceive for himself) is there any practical necessity to do so.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
