英语人>网络例句>隐秘的 相关的搜索结果


与 隐秘的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After beautiful Hero becomes engaged to dashing Claudio, the couple helps trick an unlikely pair of sweethearts into falling in love: Hero's sharp-tongued cousin, Beatrice, and a confirmed bachelor named Benedick; but a jealous prince plots a darker deception that will stir up much ado about nothing!


What could prove to be one of Blackwater's most profitable and enduring enterprises is one of the company's most secretive initiatives — a move into the world of privatized intelligence services.


Chenonceaux 舍农索 Chenonceaux is not large, but into its delicate compass is packed a great deal of history — history which differs from that of Amboise and Blois in being of the private and sentimental kind.


The cold war, just beginning, took form upon a battlefield of deadly concealed knowledge, of espionage and counterespionage, the terrible prize of which was the secret of the power to destroy the world.


Zhang Ailing restored them the ordinary and common of man. She analyzes calmly and rationally their characteristics of humbleness and despicableness behind them, deconstructs the traditional definition of patriarchy of her father with castrated men prototype within her novels, and uncovers the thousands of a multicolored ring of the sacred covering their body.


Such a manner, that his auditors may fell the word of God to be quick and powerful, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart; and that, if any unbeliever or ignorant person be present, he may have the secrets of his heart made manifest, and give glory to God.


In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arms, I labour by singing light Not for ambition or bread Or the strut and trade of charms On the ivory stages But for the common wages Of their most secret heart.


Although impressively mounted on a reduced budget of $40 million, rather than the $70 million originally mooted when Brad Pitt was committed to the Jackman role, it almost becomes submerged in its own earnest pretentiousness and po-faced seriousness of intent.

其它: 一段创世纪里隐秘的永生,一株开在坟墓之上生命之树,一群奇异的玛雅武士、一艘球状的太空飞船,在阿洛诺夫斯基宏大的神秘幻想里,他野心勃勃地剖析着对死亡的恐惧和对永生的希冀。

I may keep running like a river, i seems that nothing can stop it ,but no one can expect that i only do that for protect the fish asleep in the sand.i am used to being comforted by solitude rather than warm hands.i can plead for myself: only being exiled away from love that i can feel the beauty of desolation which tends to be neglected;i would rather to be a shepherd,what i care most is only the untameable emotion inside.


The announcement on May 21st that it would invest $3 billion of its reserves in Blackstone, a New York-based private-equity firm soon to issue shares, shows that it is prepared to barge into murky private markets as well as liquid public ones.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
