英语人>网络例句>隐含的 相关的搜索结果


与 隐含的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through the knowledge of the urban societies, this case study puts the New Caoya Urban Squatter Settlements back in the Story of the urbanization and the housing policy, discuss its historic and social formation, breaks the public opinion's prejudice, puts in light the ill-assorted sharing of the country resources and the unequal development of the cities.At the same time, this research introduces the formation and the structure of the New Caoya Urban Squatter Settlements - it comes at first from the urban development bringing a need of workers, the population migrates massively from the countryside to the city, the study shows more clearly the bad regulation of the housing policy. In the time, the authorities, to relieve the tension of the consumption, let the Squatter Settlements form. With the evolution of the urbanization, it became a choice of extra housing. Today the New Caoya Squatter Settlements play still an important role among the low incomes families.


Planch, in water field to get much more Oxygen.

巫婆带 圆锥帽=雨坡领圆锥巾冒=雨山导圆锥毛生=雨伞引圆锥草生=雨线弓一圆锥草生=雨线供几圆锥草生=雨线供给圆锥草生=雨线供给圆锥草生原来〔巫婆带圆锥帽〕之{意象},也是一句〔鬼天道的鬼谜语〕,〔隐含的意思〕是说:〔雨线供给圆锥草生〕〔白话的意思〕是说:当〔雨线〕从天空落下的{范围}是呈{圆锥形样}时,这就表示{该地区}的〔天空无形水龙头〕已经被<扭开>了,这也表示{该地区}会<定期下雨>使〔水草〕<润生>了耤原来不论{风}再怎麼样的<<吹拂>>,由於〔氧分子〕的{{磁吸}}作用,〔氧分子〕还是会相互<牵吸>成{柳树形样},而存留在{该地区},而不会随风<飞度>〔玉门关〕耤原来我们从{微波炉}<加热>〔保鲜膜盖覆的食物〕得知:〔空气体积〕<热胀冷缩>是可以有相当大的{倍数变化}的!!

Of, relating to, or being an adjective or a pronoun that stands alone when the noun it modifies is being implied but not stated. For example, in Theirs were the best, theirs is an absolute pronoun and best is an absolute adjective.


Ere yet we fully understand all that is implied in our waiting upon God, and ere we have even been able to cultivate the habit, let the truth enter our souls: waiting on God, unceasing and entire dependence upon Him, is, in heaven and earth, the one only true religion, the one unalterable and all-comprehensive expression for the true relationship to the ever-blessed one in whom we live.


DT_REL This element is similar to DT_RELA, except its table has implicit addends, such as Elf32_Rel for the 32-bit file class.

DT_REL 类型的数组项类似于DT_RELA类型的数组项(例如:。rel.got section 首地址),只是Rel类型重定位表中的表项会有一个隐含的加数,比如32-bit类型的文件具有的Elf32_Rel数据结构的重定位表项。

She answered that she had to raise a same query with me to abbot about the sentence on her lot actually, and abbot was explaining to her that the Chinese adage of "Make still further progress while made another step at the top of a rod hundred feet high" originally for arouse people's enthusiasm who were studying Buddha in Ancient China, when their merits and virtues would achieve the top, they have to "Make still further progress",but the deep hint meaning is that "You have to be prudent ", it is for advising people to be modest and prudent while their enterprise had made far-gone (Wow, so that is!).


All through the perfect summer—the happiest summer I had ever had, the happiest summer anyone anywhere had ever had, and the rainiest summer in the history of the Olympic Peninsula—this bleak date had lurked in ambush, waiting to spring.


Targeted at the translation of English and American literature during 1949-1966 as well as the new translated editions since 1978, this paper, through a reexamination of mistranslations, discloses the cultural conflict and distortion between China and the West in this specific historical context; and the revised mistranslations after 1978 reflect a different cultural attitude of China towards other cultures which is more confident and tolerant.


The nation carries on the social control with combined employment of a variety of ways, including direct primary control such as law limitation, checking system, connotative medieum control and deep conceptual control.


A friend of Nestorius, he became embroiled in the controversy with Saint Cyril of Alexandria, whose views, he held, implied a confusion of the divine and human natures of Christ .


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
