英语人>网络例句>随时 相关的搜索结果


与 随时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before in interviewing, the CEO Yu Yongfu of UCWEB once mentioned commercial battlefield " crocodilian theory ", he says:"It is a La Hai, small fish people grow impossibly also to the top of one's bent inside, because once nourishment is enough,be abounded, the big alligator of other sea area people can attack at any time."


Problems may crop up at any moment, you have to be there yourself.


According to field test study of highformwork support system in a hall of highrise building, the stress changes of upright stanchion, cross bar, bridging and lock braking column parts, which are in fastenerstyle formwork support system, are monitored by realtime from concrete pouring to maintenance.

摘要] 经过对某高层中厅高大模板支架现场实测,实时监控混凝土从浇筑到养护整个过程中,扣件式钢管模板支撑体系中立杆、横杆、剪刀撑、抱柱件应力随时间的变化情况。

In time, both crossbred into other life forms on their planetary homes to create a new race of beings.


However, one can crosscheck one's own information against the knowledge provided therein and intend to retrieve anything that has been lost over time or in a karmic encounter.


Angle wandering in the ruins of the city has become an industry, only the gray crow hand in hand, he can always Bianshen into a crow, flying over insurmountable obstacles, the game can pick up a lot of weapons.


The electronic heating evaporator in the high-side gravity recirculation system in ANSI/ASHRAE 64-2500 standard is replaced by a new type plate evaporator which is more effcient and energy-saving, because the cold water outlet from the evaporator that is used to heat the cryogen can be used once again to cool the air in the air inlet trunk; an air processing unit is designed in the lab design, so to imitate all kinds of weather in each season in every location of China at any time the test is being made; the data selection system can send all the data in the test to the computer at one time, and to reduce the cost of the test some data which is more stable are read manually through traditional meters if this can not sacrifice the precision of the test.

本文的设计中用效率更高的新型板式换热器代替了原ANSFASHRAE 64——2500标准中压缩驱动循环系统中的电加热蒸发器,加热冷剂后得到的低温淡水还可以用于冷却进气通道中的空气,不仅提高了效率,而且更加节能;实验室方案中增加了空气处理系统,可以实现随时对全国各地各季节的空气状态进行模拟,方便实验的进行;采用数据采集系统将数据整体采集到电脑中方便数据处理,而且对于变化频率不高相对较为稳定的数据采取传统仪表进行人工读数,在保证测试结果准确性的前提下降低了成本。

It will keep records of your operation, the current open file, run the procedure and the various settings.


The principle of moving point constraints in-betweening technique is to associate a curve varing in space and time with some points of the animated object.


He knows that his trade is in trouble, and it is time to cut and run without setting a specific escape level.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
