- 与 陶器 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The unearthed relics are: bronze wares, iron wares, jade wares, stone wares, pot ware,lacquer ware, bamboo wares, agate etc.
Barium nitrate products are mainly used in the manufacture of barium oxide, barium peroxide and other barium salt, also used in the manufacture of optical glass and pottery glaze, etc..
At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now know as Holland andRhineland.
At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now know as Holland and Rhineland.1 m U; S.
At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now know as Holland and Rhineland.1 {0 v3 F3 \ j+?
At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and the Rhineland. These people took their name from their distinctive bell-shaped drinking vessels with which they were buried in crouching positions in individual graves.(beaker:大口杯) Key words: pottery making / bronze tools / hill forts / custom of individual burial.
想象:2000 个人拿着大口杯,大口大口喝酒,喝醉了就冲到山上的堡垒使劲地用青铜砸烂了许多陶器,满山中华英语学习网 www.100yingyu.com 官方总站:圣才学习网 www.100xuexi.com 中华英语学习网 www.100yingyu.com 官方总站:圣才学习网 www.100xuexi.com 都是哐哐巨响。
Of stone, bone, glass, metal, and earthenware.
In a relatively brief period the archaeological record is reduce to mere scraps of stone, bone, glass, metal, and earthenware.
In a relatively brief period the archaeological record is reduced to mere scraps of stone, bone, glass, metal, and earthenware.
In a relatively brief period the archaeological record is reduced to mere scraps of stone, bone, glass, metal, and earthenware.
- 推荐网络例句
It has been put forward that there exists single Ball point and double Ball points on the symmetrical connecting-rod curves of equilateral mechanisms.
The factory affiliated to the Group primarily manufactures multiple-purpose pincers, baking kits, knives, scissors, kitchenware, gardening tools and beauty care kits as well as other hardware tools, the annual production value of which reaches US$ 30 million dollars.
The eˉtiology of hemospermia is complicate,but almost of hemospermia are benign.