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与 阿拉伯人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More recently the Arabs have been buffeted by the invasion of Iraq.


More recently the Arabs have been buffeted by the invasion of Iraq.


But the clashing demonstrations in its capital illustrated an important aspect of the Arabs' lag in women's rights.


As plenty of water is one of the greatest additions to the delights of the Bedouin Arab, the Koran often speaks of the rivers of Paradise as a principal ornament thereof; some of these streams flow with water, some with wine and others with honey, besides many other lesser springs and fountains, whose pebbles are rubies and emeralds, while their earth consists of camphor, their beds of musk, and their sides of saffron. But all these glories will be eclipsed by the resplendent and ravishing girls, or houris, of Paradise, the enjoyment of whose company will be the principal felicity of the faithful. These maidens are created not of clay, as in the case of mortal women, but of pure musk, and free from all natural impurities, defects, and inconveniences.

由于大量的水是其中一个最大的增补了愉悦的贝都因阿拉伯人,可兰经常讲,河流的天堂,作为一个主要饰品;部分这些溪流流的水,一些与葡萄酒及其他与蜂蜜,此外,许多规模较小的泉水和喷泉,其卵石是红宝石和祖母绿,而在地球上构成的樟脑,其病床的麝香,其两岸的藏红花,但所有这些辉煌,将相形见绌了灿烂和ravishing女孩,或houris ,天堂,享受其公司将成为主要的幸福的忠诚,这些少女都是造成不粘土,情况一如凡人,妇女,但单纯的麝香,不受任何自然杂质,缺陷,和不便。

Max Dimont intertwines their history with that of the civilizations of the time, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Barbarians, Arabs, to the middle ages and the modern world to tell the story of how a people survived the rise and fall of so many empires.


It was more or less identical with the ancient province of Pars, which formed the nucleus of the Persian Empire.


And I was always struck by how Saudis received me, Saudis who weren't prepped to receive me.


There are the profiteers and politicians who stand to grow in unspeakable wealth and power by cooperating with the Arabs and finding favor by helping them and their pagan religion take control.


The emperor's campaigns in Syria were successful and by 969 Antioch had been reconquered.


Each successive ruler of the city, the Romans, the Greeks, Arabs, Europeans, refrained from destroying the edifices of bygone eras, thus, preserving a long succession of monuments to the past; visible evidence of a city that has been conquered and reconquered several times over thousands of years.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
