英语人>网络例句>阿利亚 相关的搜索结果


与 阿利亚 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of THE now available collections of records four are worthy of note-the formerly Top Secret CSDIC-series interrogation reports in Class WO208 at the Public Records Office,Kew,London;the coded radio messages of the SS and German police units,intercepted and decoded by the British at Bletchley Park,and now archived in the same place as Classes HW1,HW3,and HW16;the"Adolf Hitler Collection,"housed in three file boxes at the Seeley G.Mudd Library,Princeton University,New Jersey;and some five hundred pages of Joachim von Ribbentrop's pre-ministerial letters and memoranda to Hitler,1933~36,found in the ruins of the Reich chancellery and now in the Louis Lochner papers at the Hoover Institution's archives,Stanford,California.

这些收藏品中的四份记录是最有价值的:从前的 CSDIC的最高机密,伦敦克佑区公共档案办公室(Public Records Office,Kew,London)W0208类系列审问报告;英国人在布莱切利公园截取并解码的党卫队与德国警察组织的加密无线电文,现在作为档案HW1,HW3,and HW16保存在同一地方;新泽普林斯顿大学的西利·G·马德图书馆内被称为"阿道夫·希特勒收藏"的三个文件盒;还有在帝国总理府的废墟中找到的1933至1936年间,前部长约希姆·冯·里宾特洛普的信件以及给希特勒的备忘录,总长超过500页,现在作为路易斯·洛赫纳文件保存在加利福尼亚的斯坦福大学胡佛协会档案室。

The American Girl dolls with the eras they represent are Molly (1944), Kirsten (1854, Minnesota Pioneer Girl), Samantha (1904), Felicity (1774), Addy (1864, escaped from slavery), Josefina (Hispanic, 1824), Kit (1934, Depression Era), Kaya (Native American Nez Perce, 1764) and Nellie (an orphan, 1906, part of Smantha's collection).

美国女孩洋娃娃各个阶段标识性的娃娃分别是莫利( 1944 基尔斯滕),( 1854年,明尼苏达州先锋女),萨曼莎( 1904年),费利西蒂( 1774年),阿迪( 1864年,摆脱奴役),何(西班牙, 1824年),包( 1934年,抑郁症时代),卡亚(美国土著斯努涅斯Perce , 1764年)和吉雯(孤儿, 1906年,部分Smantha的收集)。

At present the order has a cardinal, Sebastiano Martinelli (formerly Apostolic delegate for the United States), several bishops--Guglielmo Pifferi; Stephen Reville, Bishop of Sandhurst in Australia; Arsenio Campo y Monasterio, Bishop of Nueva Cáceres in the Philippine Islands; Giovanni Camilleri, Bishop of Gozzo; José López de Mendoza y Garcia, Bishop of Pampeluna, Spain; Giuseppe Capecci, Bishop of Alessandria in Italy; Francisco Xavier Valdés y Noriega, Bishop of Salamanca; William A. Jones, Bishop of Porto Rico; the Vicars Luis Perez of Northern Hu-nan and Dominic Murray, Cooktown, Australia; the Prefect Apostolic (Paulino Díaz Alonso) of San León de Amazonas--and, finally, two mitred abbots.

目前,为了有一个基数,塞巴斯马蒂内利,一些主教-古列尔莫P ifferi ;斯蒂芬雷维尔,桑赫斯特主教在澳大利亚;阿塞尼奥坎普y修道院,主教在新卡塞雷斯菲律宾群岛;乔瓦尼卡米莱主教Gozzo ;何塞洛佩斯德门多萨y加西亚,主教Pampeluna ,西班牙;朱塞佩Capecci ,主教在意大利亚历山德里亚;弗朗西斯泽维尔巴尔德斯y诺列加,萨拉曼卡主教;威廉A琼斯,主教波尔图队的路易斯佩雷斯Vicars北胡楠和多米尼克墨累,库克敦,澳大利亚;使徒的省长的圣莱昂的亚马孙-最后,两个m itreda bbots。

In the movie, the great conqueror Akbar and his Rajput wife, Mariam-uz-Zamani have a son - the weak and pleasure-loving Salim - played by Dilip Kumar.


He has become associated with such diverse composers as Alfred Schnittke, Arvo Prt, Giya Kancheli, John Adams and Astor Piazzolla etc., bringing their music to audiences in a way that respects tradition yet remains contemporary.


Thus they Breathing united force with fixed thought [ 560 ] Mov'd on in silence to soft Pipes that charm'd Thir painful steps o're the burnt soyle; and now Advanc't in view, they stand, a horrid Front Of dreadful length and dazling Arms, in guise Of Warriers old with order'd Spear and Shield, [ 565 ] Awaiting what command thir mighty Chief Had to impose: He through the armed Files Darts his experienc't eye, and soon traverse The whole Battalion views, thir order due, Thir visages and stature as of Gods, [ 570 ] Thir number last he summs.

因为这是从古至今人类中最雄厚的兵力;古来有名的军队跟这支军队相比也只不过是被鹤鸟袭啄的小人国的步兵:无论是弗勒格拉的巨人族,加上得了群神援助的在底比斯和伊利翁交战的,英雄部族;无论是以攸瑟之子为中心的,稗史、传奇中有名的不列颠和亚摩利的骑士们;无论是圣教徒或是邪教徒,所有在阿斯波拉门、蒙塔班,在大马士革、摩洛哥、特列皮松,各地参加教内外比武的好汉阵营; V2:用庄严的调子减轻忧愁、烦恼,有使凡人和天人从心底里,驱除疑惑、恐惧、悲伤、痛苦的力量。

That audience applauded for more than 15 minutes after the final curtain fell, standing to cheer Zeffirelli, conductor Riccardo Chailly and a cast led by the Lithuanian mezzo-soprano Violeta Urmana in the title role and Alagna as Radames.


His generals, meanwhile, Statius Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and Martius Verus44 for four years conducted the war until they advanced to Babylon and Media, and recovered Armenia.45 He, however, gained the names Armeniacus, Parthicus, and Medicus; and these were proffered to Marcus also, who was then living at Rome.


Arun Nayar, an Indian businessman, has been seeing Hurley for nearly three years following the breakdown of his short marriage to Valentina Pedroni.


The fact that neither the Assyrians nor the Babylonians are alluded to militates against Knig's dating, since all the other pre-exilic prophets, from Amos to Jeremiah, recognize God's judgment, which is to fall on His people precisely in the extension of the Assyrian and, later, of the Babylonian empire.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
