英语人>网络例句>阴道的 相关的搜索结果


与 阴道的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Figure 2. A, Parasagittal scan at right adnexa shows loculated fluid with several septations with echogenic nodular masses representing peritoneal thickening or omental thickening. B, Transvaginal scan of the left adnexa shows a poorly defined complex mass representing peritoneal or omental thickening.

图2 A,右侧附件区的矢状旁面扫描显示积液呈多房性,有数个分隔,结节性肿块表明腹膜增厚或网膜增厚。B,经阴道扫描显示左侧附件区边界模糊的混合性肿块,表示腹膜或网膜增厚。

Figure 2. A, Parasagittal scan at right adnexa shows loculated fluid with seeral septations with echogenic nodular masses representing peritoneal thickening or omental thickening. B, Transaginal scan of the left adnexa shows a poorly defined complex mass representing peritoneal or omental thickening.

图2 A,右侧附件区的矢状旁面扫描显示积液呈多房性,有数个分隔,结节性肿块表明腹膜增厚或网膜增厚。B,经阴道扫描显示左侧附件区边界模糊的混合性肿块,表示腹膜或网膜增厚。

Following the accepted Eckstein meteyard,the effect score of anti-sperm ant...


My vagina was green, water soft pink fields, cow mooing sun resting sweet boyfriend touching lightly with soft piece of blonde straw.


Methods We studied 975 nulliparous women who delivered between Jan 2008 and May 2008. Women were divided into four groups according to their prepregancy BMI: underweight group (n=93); normal weight group (n=604); overweight group (n=176) and obese group (n=102), we observed the relationship between the prepregnancy BMI with pregnant outcomes.


Results The natrural labor rate of nulliparous women was high of birth process diagram Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ and Cephalic presentation score above 12.The vaginal aid delivery rate of birth process diagram Type Ⅲ and TypeⅣ and cephalic presentation score from 10 to 11 was high. All of the Type V and score below 9 accepted cesarean Section.

结果 产程图为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和头位分娩评分在12分以上的自然分娩率高;产程图为Ⅲ、Ⅳ型和头位分娩评分在11分的产妇阴道助产分娩率明显增高;产程图为V型和头位分娩评分在9分以下者全部采用了剖宫产。

C. The woman may have an obstetrically traumatized vaginal barrel which may be perpetually enlarged as the result of tears in the pelvic fascia or musculature caused by childbirth or surgical trauma.

c 。妇女也许有也许永久地被扩大由于泪花在骨盆招牌或肌组织由分娩或外科精神创伤造成的obstetrically 受损伤的阴道桶。

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The restoration of estrous cycle was evaluated by observing vaginal smears and measuring serum oestradiol and progesterone levels. Histological observation was carried on transplanted ovaries.


The results indicate that the reproductive organs of adu-lt female Wanxi White Geese consisted of the ovarium and tuba uterina,Left ovariumand tuba uterina developed normally,but the right one had degenerated.There werefive parts in tuba uterina:the infundibulum part,albumen secreting part,isthmus pa-rt,utera part,a...


Objective:To explore the effects of estrogen on expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in a murine model of candida albicans vaginitis,as well as its significance in the mechanism of pathopoiesis.


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