英语人>网络例句>阔叶树 相关的搜索结果


与 阔叶树 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The straw contains abundant cellulose. The content is close to that of hardwood and softwood.


Drag onto the page to add a broadleaf hedge, such as laurel, spirea, or photinia.


Tricholoma may be a paraphyletic genus two. The collections identified as T. caligatum is a mixture. Some parts of them from France are members of T. matsutake, the other parts from North America are closed to T. bakamatsutake and T. fulvocastaneum. Tricholoma robustum and T. focale form a clade which is obviously a sister group of the stirp Subannulate. The stirp Caligata was defined as a group mainly on the basis of the predominant veil. But from the result of molecular systematic analysis, the presence of veil is not a stable character in the matsutake group. Species having symbiosis with conifers and broad leaf tree are all transformed from those whose host specificity is not strict. The phylogenetic tree based on ITS sequences resembled the tree of NJ algorithm based on cladistic coding. In the phylogenetic tree based on morphylogical characters, T. zangii and T. bakamatsutake form a clade, but it is the result of convergent evolution as suggested by molecular analyses. The distribution area of the matsutake group can be divided into six regions: middle and northern Europe region, Mediterranean region, Hengduan Mount.— Southeastern Tibet region, Northeastern China—Japan—Far-east Russia region, the Atlantic—North America region and the Rocky Mountain region. The abundance center of the matsutake group are Hengduan Mount.—Southeastern Tibet region and the Rocky Mountain region. Hengduan Mount.

松口蘑群的分子系统学研究得出的结果有:由于粗壮口蘑和羽衣口蘑明显和亚环族(Tricholoma,section subannulate)的种类是来自同一个谱系,和其它松口蘑群的种不具有最近共同祖先,因此松口蘑群是一个多系群;松口蘑群和口蘑属其他种类的亲缘关系比和蜜环菌属更接近;梭柄松苞菇和松口蘑群的差距明显小于油黄口蘑(T.flavovirens)和棕灰口蘑;口蘑属是一个多系群;鉴定为欧洲口蘑的标本明显不是一个单系群,其中一部分是松口蘑,另一部分和黄褐口蘑及傻松口蘑(T.bakamatsutake)比较接近;划分松口蘑群的标准是菌环的存在,但从分子系统学的结果来看,菌环的存在与否并非是一个很稳定的性状;和针叶树专性共生及和阔叶树专性共生均由寄主专化性不强的种类转化而来;在形态学系统发育树上青冈口蘑和傻松口蘑被聚为一个分枝,分子系统学的研究结果表明,这是趋同进化的结果;用支序方法编码作出的NJ树的结果更接近ITS序列的结果。

Kaizuca, Camellia japonica L.,Ginkgo biloba L., Celtis sinensis Pers., Zelkova schneideriana Hand.-Mazz., Acer truncatum Bunge, Albizia julibrissin Durazz., Ailanthus altissima Swingle, Cerasus serrulataG.,Pistacia chinensis Bunge, Euonymas japonicus Thunb.Sabina konarovii Chent at W.T.Wang, Sabina chinensis cv.Pfitzeriana. 3.Tree planning on urban forestry construction of Qingdao city is based on trees investigation,analyses, appraise and under the guidance of the theories on city ecology, ecological landscape, scenic aesthetics, city planning and etc.


Major tree species found here include conifers, such as Korean pine, larch and Olga Bay larch, and coniferous-broadleaf trees such as white birch, oak, willow, elm and Northeast China ash.


The softwood of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana were steam-treated at temperature 90℃ and 100℃. The hard wood of Nothofagus spp.


Mainly Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, magnolia Branch, Division of Hamamelidaceae evergreen broad-leaved trees such as the composition of the shrub layer are found to evergreen species, community structure is more complex.


Thus, the stand productivity was enhanced, the output of rare was broad-leaved tree was protected and enhanced, and the stand structure was improved by thing, and then the foresty brought ecological function and social benefit into play mueh more.


Warmer climate is unadvantaged to major forest type in the northeast of China,The percentage of major conifers decrease, along with the percentage increase of some broadleaf trees.


Extent to which ornamentals, hardwoods, conifers and other flora enhance the design and playability of a course without overburdening it or threatening strategy and agronomy.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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