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与 门上的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They sometimes a doorknob besmear soap, sometimes what color the cat.


Then the glory of the LORD left the threshold of the temple and rested upon the cherubim.


I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead.


One more detail: one of the railroad branch lines ran not far from the hospital. There was a heavy gun on a specially equipped open flatcar connected to a locomotive.


Even the Viola however remained in Serie A. A few appeals took place which reduced the punishments but in the end Inter had a title and a half.


On the altar of the LORD that he had built in front of the portico, Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings to the LORD


In the face of the bare grass-plat, the tenantless wooden alcoves, and the dark windows of the hotel, it was indeed rather difficult to imagine that the place was ever gay with merry people taking pleasure in the bright summer weather; but Robert Audley declared himself willing to believe anything the porter pleased to tell him, and followed his guide meekly to a little door at the side of the big hotel, which led into a comfortable bar, where the humbler classes of summer visitors were accommodated with such refreshments as they pleased to pay for, without running the gauntlet of the prim, white-waistcoated waiters on guard at the principal entrance.


Jane, jane, my dear jane, where are you?- here is your tippet. mrs. weston begs you to put on your tippet. she says she is afraid there will be draughts in the passage, though every thing has been done - one door nailed up - quantities of matting - my dear jane, indeed you must.


Agamemnon was convulsed with pain, but still not even for this did he leave off struggling and fighting, but grasped his spear that flew as fleet as the wind, and sprang upon Coon who was trying to drag off the body of his brother- his father's son- by the foot, and was crying for help to all the bravest of his comrades; but Agamemnon struck him with a bronze-shod spear and killed him as he was dragging the dead body through the press of men under cover of his shield: he then cut off his head, standing over the body of Iphidamas.


It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
