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与 门上的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research of economic ethics is at the cross point of economics and ethics, and is founded along with the development of economics.


The research of economic ethic s is at the cross point of economics and ethic s, and is founded along with the development of economics.


The effects could be attributed to the selective action of BmK Ⅰ on the TTX-S Na〓 channel: slowing the inactivation process of Na〓 channel, increasing the amplitude of peak Na〓 currents; 2 BmK abT, a new-type neurotoxin with higher sequence homology to β-type scorpion neurotoxin, was found to slow the inactivation process of Na〓 channel and prolong the duration of action potential in DRG neurons.

这些结果提示BmK IT2和BmK AS-1的外周抗伤害性效应可能是通过它们对小直径DRG神经元外周游离末梢即C纤维末梢上的TTX-S和TTX-R钠通道的门控调节所致,且BmK IT2对角叉菜胶致炎大鼠较强的抗伤害性作用可能是由于它对TTX-R钠通道较高的敏感性所致。二。特异性钠通道调制剂-东亚钳蝎神经毒素的电生理特征。

During this time, Shaw also worked as an art, music, and theater critic for the Saturday Review and published a number of pamphlets on the arts, most famously "The Perfect Wagnerite," a commentary on Wagner's Ring Cycle, and "The Quintessance of Ibsenism," an homage to one of his primary muses.

在此期间,肖也作为一门艺术,音乐和戏剧评论家的星期六审查和出版了一些小册子上的艺术,最著名"完美Wagnerite "发表的一篇评论瓦格纳的指环,及" Quintessance的易卜生主义",尊敬,他的一个主要缪斯。

Now, as we have already seen, doctrinal indefectibility is certainly implied in Christ's promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church, and cannot be effectively secured without doctrinal infallibility; so that if Christ's promise means anything -- if Peter's successor is in any true sense the foundation and source of the Church's indefectibility -- he must by virtue of this office be also an organ of ecclesiastical infallibility.

现在,正如我们已经看到,理论indefectibility无疑是隐含在基督里的承诺,地狱之门,应不会得逞对他的教会,并不能有效担保,没有理论infallibility ;所以如果基督的承诺意味着什么-如果彼得的继任者是在任何真正意义上的基础和来源,教会的indefectibility -他必须凭借这个办公室也是一个器官的教会

In the last twenty years the advent of the Comprehensive System has developed the Rorschach Inkblot Method into a standardized and psychometrically sound personality assessment instrument.


The door between the sitting-room and bed-room was half open, and he could see the laundress bustling about, dusting the furniture, and rearranging things that had never been disarranged.


Different educational theories based on different philosophy of science will have great effect on the scientific education and the formation of the students' views of natural science. Since over one century, especially in the latest 50 years, philosophy of science has developed continuously, from the logical positivism in the past to the constructivism, the main trend in the contemporary era.


After a short suspense, it was opened by a tall, gaunt man, without neckerchief, and otherwise extremely slovenly; his features were lost in masses of shaggy hair that hung on his shoulders; and his eyes, too, were like a ghostly Catherine's with all their beauty annihilated.


An error detection code is attached on a per transmission symbol basis and transmission is performed, and, when mobile terminal apparatus 100 at the receiving end detects an error, subcarrier information obtainer 130 counts the number of carriers having received level below predetermined standard on a per group basis, and makes the group having the count value above a threshold level subject to retransmission request.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
