英语人>网络例句>长 相关的搜索结果

与 长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the peach Tsubosato elementary school playground, LIU Ya, like students and other kids, running, playing, jumping rubber band, that can not see the "abnormal"; can be when this little girl to roll up its sleeves and pants, so that others look at her carefully hands, feet, people are often surprised: Each foot is long with the "six fingers", that she was more than the ordinary four fingers head; in particular the right hand fingers and other fingers of the sixth root the opposite direction is backwards long, while the other "Six-fingered" is along the long out.


Now the main production: 1092,1575,1760,1880,2400 multi-cylinder single-cylinder single network to multiple networks, net short-and long net paper machine, rotary screen machine to machine short-long network, Winder, pressure-ray machine , Dry pressure-ray machine, level-sizing machine, ramp-sizing machines, screen-basket, two-phase pump, ZBJ small pump,Ф500-1000 mm screw propeller, the slurry pond blender, 5 m3 Dajiang Ji , 12-inch circulating pump, a high concentration of vertical hydraulic pulper, horizontal hydraulic pulper, 1575,1092 standards and widening of Cutter, thin slurry valve 5 t and 8 t-cut grass and dust collector 606 Cleaner And so a variety of products, production of paper making equipment in various gears, sprockets, shaft length and various derivative Roll, Roll and maintenance Dryer, the drying system to do all kinds of steel gear.


But our Patron warn'd by this Disaster, resolved to take more Care of himself for the future; and having lying by him the Long-boat of our English Ship we had taken, he resolved he would not go a fishing any more without a Compass and some Provision; so he ordered the Carpenter of his Ship, who also was an English Slave, to build a little State-room or Cabin in the middle of the Long Boat, like that of a Barge, with a Place to stand behind it to steer and hale home the Main-sheet; and Room before for a hand or two to stand and work the Sails; she sail'd with that we call a Shoulder of Mutton Sail; and the Boom gib'd over the Top of the Cabbin, which lay very snug and low, and had in it Room for him to lye, with a Slave or two, and a Table to eat on, with some small Lockers to put in some Bottles of such Liquor as he thought fit to drink in; particularly his Bread, Rice and Coffee.


The classification of our main tools is comprehensive, including Long Neck Square /Ball Type End Mill, Ripple Roughing End Mill, High Spiral End Mill For Aluminum, Nose Type End Mill, Micro Diameter Square/ Ball Type End Mill , Taper Neck End Mill, Long Flute End Mill, Long Shank End Mill, Two/Three/Four/Six/Eight Flutes End Mill, etc.


Leaves grow in clusters; stipe chestnut brown, shiny ; blade pentagonal, Zhang Kuange about 5-7 cm, there are three separate base, or connected to cleft pinna feather, apical pinna nearly diamond-shaped, triangular lateral pinna, feather shaft under the lateral side of the sliver compared with the previous long, the base of one the longest; vein plume bifurcation; leaves dark green above, here are milky white or milk yellow powder.


On the basis of experiments, the patterns of penetration of a long tube against a normal homogeneous semi-infinite target were described.


The vapor phase deposition, axial screw dislocation and surface diffusion play important roles in the whisker growth.


Scape yellow-farinose, 2-8cm long; umbel usually 1-5-flowered; bracts lanceolate, yellow-farinose; pedicel 10mm long; calyx bell-shaped, 5-nerved, thinly yellow-farinose, lobes long-triangular at apex; corolla pink or white, salver-shaped, 1.5cm across, faintly fragrant, with conspicuous yellow centre, lobes obcordate, notched at apex; stamens slightly exserted.

花葶被黄粉,2~8cm ;伞形花序通常有花1~5朵;苞片披针形,被黄粉;花梗约10mm ;花萼钟状,具5条粗脉,被薄粉,裂片尖三角形;花冠粉红色或白色,高脚碟状,直径1.5cm ,有微香具明显的黄心,裂片倒心形,顶端凹缺;雄蕊略露出于花冠筒外。

Petals bright yellow, sometimes red-veined, oblong-elliptic, 1-1.2 cm × ca. 5 mm, 2-3 × as long as sepals; laminar glands sparse, pale, lines to dots; margin sparsely black-glandular-ciliate.

花瓣明亮黄,有时红色,圆状椭圆形,1-1.2厘米*约5毫米,为萼片的2-3 倍;片状腺体稀少,苍白,线形到小圆点;边缘疏生黑色具腺缘毛。

The ear leather is thick, covered with soft short hair, and when measured, should reach the inner corner of the eye.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
