英语人>网络例句>长 相关的搜索结果

与 长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sepals erect, subequal, ovate to oblong-ovate or oblong-spatulate, 7-10 × 4.5-6.2 mm; laminar glands lines, sometimes interrupted; margin entire or minutely denticulate and sometimes with narrowly hyaline margin, apex acute or apiculate to obtuse.

萼片直立,近等,卵形到圆状卵形或者圆形, 7-10 * 4.5-6.2 毫米;片状腺体线形,有时打断;边缘全缘或稍具细牙齿的和有时具狭透明边缘,先端锐尖或具细尖到钝。

Genus of tropical herbs and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and spurred flowers in long racemes or spikes.


Leaves oblong or obovate-oblong,(3–)5–7 × 2.5–3.5(–4) cm, base cuneate; petals ovate-oblong.

圆形或倒卵形圆形,( 3-)5-7 * 2.5-3.5(-4)厘米,基部楔形;花瓣卵形圆形。

Method] 5 matrices: M1(50% peat + 50% perlite),M2(40% peat + 60% perlite),M3(50% peat + 50% chestnut soil),M4(40% peat + 60% chestnut soil) and M5(100% peat) used for Euonymus fortunei cutting in container were tested and the effect of the different matrices on the rate of callus induction and root growth,the length and number of root,and the growth amount of Euonymus fortunei was investigated.[Results] The results showed that the best effect on Euonymus fortunei cutting was from the M1,in which,the rate of root growth,callus induction,the length of root and the number of new branch were 87%,88%,68.0 mm and 4.6 branches,respectively.

方法] 采用5种基质配比,分别为M1(50%泥炭+50%珍珠岩)、M2(40%泥炭+60%珍珠岩)、M3(50%泥炭+50%栗钙土)、M4(40%泥炭+60%栗钙土)、M5(100%泥炭)对扶芳藤进行容器扦插育苗试验,对不同基质引起的扶芳藤愈伤率、生根率、根、单株根系数目、新生枝数及新生枝生量进行调查分析,[结果]结果表明,基质M1中扦插的扶芳藤生根率、愈伤率最高,分别为87%和88%;根,为68.0 mm;平均新生枝数最多,为4.6条,效果最佳。

The provirus had three small ORFs,ie. Si ,52 and S3,with sizes of 153bp(nucleotides 5113-5265),204bp(nucleotides 5279-5482)and 402bp(nucleotides 7245-7646),respectively.

此外,前病毒还有3个小的ORF,S1位于5113~5265位碱基之间,为153bp;S2位于5279~5 482位碱基之间,为204bp;S3位于724 5~7646位碱基之间,为402bp。

Methods Reconstruction the Achilles tendon rupture by cutting the peroneus longus tendon at the distal end and transfer through subcutaneous tunnel.


Species had three kinds of diets during the non-breeding season:(1) mainly invertebrates,(2) mainly fruits, and (3) mainly nectar. This study demonstrated that the diets of 14 passerines during the non-breeding season were significantly correlative with tongue morphology (r=0.424, P .05) and were most correlative with brush length and width of the 3/4 position (r=0.62, P.05). For example, Yuhina brunneiceps's primary diet is nectar and it has the brush-tipped tongue with the longest brush length. Niltava vivida mainly forages for fruits and has a tongue with longer width of the 3/4 position.


Various phenotypes including wool fibre diameter and staple length were measured in the flock, phenotypic correlations between wool traits using SAS program are presented.


Forelegs should be relatively long, well-boned and set straight with strong pasterns.

被毛 被毛有短的(约1英寸,不紧密)、有粗而松的(约4英寸),颈部的毛发和鬃毛比较也比较厚。

The use of differential pressure compensator resolved the difficult problem that partial fan was damaged when fiexible air duct was withdrawn in long blind heading series ventilation , which renewed the mutil partial fan ventilating method.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
