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与 长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Fenghuangshan pluton, which consists of granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite, is the main part of the Fenghuangshan ore field Zircon SHRIMP 206Pb/238U dating shows that the Fenghuangshan pluton formed at (144.2±2.3) Ma, belonging to the Late Jurassic era, which is in accordance with most of metallogenic plutons of the Tongling metallogenic cluster area.


The results of high precise zircon U-Pb isotopic ages present the orders of intrusions in Tongling region: granodiorite→pyroxene diorite-pyroxene monzodiorite→quartz diorite-quartz monzodiorite.


Leaf blade broadly oblong or long quadrate, villous, apex mucronate; corolla lobes as long as tube

方形的叶片宽圆形或更,具柔毛,短尖的先端;花冠裂片倍于筒部 23 Hoya villosa 毛球兰

Quails typically have short rounded wings that e nable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places.


In just three weeks of work on federal land near Hanksville, Utah, paleontologists say they unearthed at least two meat-eating dinosaurs, a probable Stegosaurus, and four sauropods—long necked, long-tailed plant-eaters that could reach 130 feet (40 meters) long, making them the largest animals ever to have walked the Earth.


The ripple number has nothing to do with the skirt length change.The skirt hem width has nothing to do with the numble of skirt piece. The flared skirt is complex and diverse.


Flowering shoots mostly clustered, with solitary l flowers at top, sessile and enclosed basally by clustered upper leaves; calyx tube tinged purple, obconical, 10-12mm long, lobes of the same shape as upper leaves; corolla long-bell-shaped, 5-6cm long, 2.5cm across, lobes ovate, plaits regular or slightly oblique, praemorse at rim ; stamens borne in lower part of corolla tube, regular ,filaments blue, awl-shaped ,united at base and surrounding ovary , anthers yellow, narrow—oblong, ovary narrow-ellipsoid, style linear, stigma 2-fid, lobes linear ,recurved.

花枝多丛生,花单生枝顶,基部包围在上部叶丛中,无花梗;花萼筒带紫色,倒锥形,10~12mm ,裂片与上部叶同形;花冠钟形,5~6cm ,径约2.5cm ,裂片卵圆形,褶整齐或微偏斜,边缘啮蚀状;雄蕊着生于冠筒下部,整齐,花丝蓝色,钻形,基部联合包围子房,花药黄色,狭矩圆形,花柱线形,柱头2裂,裂片反卷,线形。

Any of various climbing,tendril - bearing,chiefly tropical American vines of the genus Passiflora,having large,showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamen s and pistil.


Any of various climbing,tendril - bearing,chiefly tropical American vines of the genus Passiflora,having large,showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamens and pistil .


Any of various climbing,tendril - bearing,chiefly tropical American vines of the genus Passiflora,having large,showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamens and pistil .


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
