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与 长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The long-lasting phosphorescence phenomenon is a new optical phenomenon in glass From the study, we hope to make new long-lasting phosphorescent material, and at the same time enhance our knowledge to multivalent chemistry of rare earth ions.


"I've waited a long, long, long, long, long time for that," he told MUTV.


The Nyixung rock body is distributed along the Muzhidin-Nyixung-Shasong-Ria zone in Coqên County, Tibet, covering an area of 180.14 km2. It consists of four plutons, which are irregularly elliptical and circular in plan view and occur as a string of beads. The rock types are norite, granodiorite, monzogranite and granite.

提要:尼雄岩体分布于西藏自治区措勤县木质顶、尼雄、沙松、日阿一带,出露面积180.14 km2,由4个深成岩体组成,平面形态呈不规则椭圆形、圆形串珠状分布,岩石类型有苏岩、花岗闪岩、二花岗岩、花岗岩。

Under Augustus a regular centurion received 3750 denarii (more than 16 times the soldier's pay), the primi ordines 7500 denarii (33 times regular pay) and the primipilus 15,000 denarii (66 times regular pay).


For the long the opposite is usually true. The women will still break down the track 4-5 boards away from the true best area to play and the men will outscore the women on the long, but not always.


Sessile spikelet broadly oblong or obovate, 8–10 × 2.5–3.5 mm; lower glume leathery toward base, flanks rounded in lower 1/3, villous with stiff ca. 3 mm hairs, papyraceous and puberulous above, keeled and winged above middle, wings ca. 0.8 mm wide with ciliolate margin, apex truncate-denticulate; upper glume keeled and winged above middle, villous on midline below wing; awn of upper lemma weakly geniculate, up to 1.5 cm. Pedicelled spikelet laterally compressed, otherwise resembling sessile, awnless.

无梗小穗宽圆形或倒卵形, 8-10 * 2.5-3.5 毫米;对于基部革质的更低的颖片,从侧面包围圆形的在下部1/3,具柔毛具硬的约3毫米毛,在上面纸质和被微柔毛,上面颖片龙骨状和具翅的在中部以上,在低于翅的midline上的具柔毛;身体虚弱膝曲的上面外稃的芒,可达1.5 厘米Pedicelled小穗侧面压扁,否则象无柄,awnless。

Simultaneously, the major members including chief executive of Allegheny county DANIEL ONORATO, deputy chief executive DEWITT PEART, the director of Economic Development Bureau, ROGER CRANVILLE and Dr. Fu LADJEN will visit our company and discuss with Chairman Liu about the internationally-oriented development of our company.

美国宾夕法尼亚州阿力干利郡政府官员及有关经济发展,财务协调和高科技合作项目投资推广机构一行由郡率领将于2007年4月18日和19日到访杭州,其中主要成员包括郡DANIEL ONORATO,副郡 DEWITT PEART,经济发展局局 ROGER CRANVILLE及傅乐仁博士将参观访问我公司,并将与公司董事就公司国际化发展进行讨论。

In the second section,the effect of the changes of chain architecture on the boundary of the phase is studied.


Named after its inventor,the poulaine was a shoe whose tip was aslong as two feet for princes and noblemen,one foot for rich peopleof lower degree ,and only half a foot for common people.


I was loath to spend our last shot too hastily; so I called my servant, not my man Friday, for he was better employed; for with the greatest dexterity imaginable, he had charged my fuse, and his own, while we were engaged; but as I said, I called my other man, and giving him a horn of powder, I bad him lay a train, all along the piece of timber, and let it be a large train; he did so, and had but just time to get away, when the wolves came up to it, and some were got up upon it; when I snapping an uncharged pistol, close to the powder, set it on fire; those that were upon the timber were scorched with it, and six or seven of them fell, or rather jumped in among us, with the force and fright of the fire; we dispatched these in an instant, and the rest were so frightened with the light, which the night, for it was now very near dark, made more terrible, that they drew back a little.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
