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When I was in the Just Jack hiphop label affixed, I also find themselves made a mistake, but I do not know how to correct such a mistake, started from the DJ Just Jack concerts give you a rap music Feeling, but also the United Kingdom than The Streets, Just Jack is right or more like a singing, and Just Jack has an indie folk singing voice, I would hope that he can really sing some of the flavor of a melody Works, but do not misunderstand me, it was precisely because in a beautiful album to add a lot of the rap part, seemed offensive, in the main song Starz In Their Eyes in, breakdance style of the song to song sounds More like a European dance music, the same Styles also reflected in another one song I Talk Too Much above, hiphop album of songs is another theme, the album from the start of the Glory Days, and then to Disco Friends and Lost Full of British-style hiphop, in more than half of the album, the album's tone and transferred to another like some indie, some folk feel, but also from time to time with some electronic elements, like this you have to listen to the music Hold On, that is, to the later, the album only gradually become the acoustic, into a sentimental, has become another Just Jack, Mourning Morning: Some of the flavor of the atmosphere, in particular, his included with the accompaniment of a string , The guitar more to increase the effectiveness of the appeal of the song, the album is the most outstanding works of the gas, and the last one of the songs have a similar Spectacular Failures of the same style, hidden track, and The Offspring of some punk rap categories have similar accidents .

当我在把 Just Jack 贴上hiphop标签之后,我发觉自己又犯了一个错误,但是我却不知道该如何去改正这样一个错误,从DJ起家的 Just Jack 的音乐会给你一种说唱音乐的感觉,但是比起同样是英国的The Streets, Just Jack 说得还是更像是唱,加上 Just Jack 有着一副唱indie民谣的嗓音,我倒希望他能够真正唱出一些有味道的有旋律的作品,但是也别误解我的话,正是因为在本来一张优美的专辑中加入了许多说唱的部分,所以显得有些唐突,在主打歌曲 Starz In Their Eyes 中,breakdance风格的曲子让歌曲听起来更像是一首欧洲舞曲,同样的曲风还体现在另外一首歌曲I Talk Too Much上面,hiphop的歌曲是专辑的另外一个主题,从专辑一开始的Glory Days,再到Disco Friends和Lost充满着英国式的hiphop,就在专辑过半的时候,专辑的基调又转到了另外一个样子,有些indie,有些民谣的感觉,还时不时加上一些电子的元素,喜欢这样的音乐你要听听Hold On,也就是到了后来,专辑才渐渐变成的acoustic,变成了sentimental,变成了另外一个 Just Jack ,Mourning Morning颇有些大气的味道,特别是他的配器加上了弦乐的伴奏,吉他的效果更加增加了歌曲的感召力,是专辑中最出色的作品之气,最后一首歌曲的Spectacular Failures同样有着类似的风格,hidden track和The Offspring的有些说唱类punk有着意外地相似。

Party B agrees that in the event it continues to operate or subsequently begins to operate any other business , in addition to the requirements set forth in Section V of this Agreement, it will not use, or permit, participate in or aid the use of any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colourable imitation of the Products, Proprietary Equipment or Samples, either in part or in whole, or the Marks in connection with such other business which may cause confusion, mistake or deception or which may dilute Party A's exclusive rights in and to the Products, Proprietary Equipment or Samples, and further agrees not to utilise or aid or participate in the use of any designation of origin or description or representation which falsely suggests or represents an association or connection with Party A.

乙方同意如果其继续经营或继续开始经营任何其他生意,除了本协议第 V 条所提要求外,乙方亦将不会部分或全部的使用、许可、参加或帮助他人部分或全部的使用产品、专有设备及样品的任何复制、伪造、仿制、抄袭或似是而非的仿制品,不会在商业经营中使用可能造成混淆、错误、欺骗并由此可能削弱甲方在其产品、专有设备及样品上的专有权的商标。乙方进一步同意不利用、帮助或参加使用任何错误的表达或代表了与甲方的关系或联系的对产品原件或其描述、陈述的设计。

During the Agarian Revolution, he was deeply influenced by the Left dogmatists led by Wang Ming, whose errors jeopardized the Partys revolutionary cause.


More than foir hundred druggists, drugstore employees, or customers who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time were killed by the criminals ---most of whom were after drugs .


Work doesn't get misplaced or stalled—expediters are rarely required to recover from errors or mismanagement of the work.


Master Conjuror: Tooltip revised to indicate it does not increase the damage bonuses of Firestones or Spellstones.


Have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to wisdom and founts of knowledge.

gor Stravinsky 据我了解,在我作为一个作曲家的生活主要是通过我的错误错误的假设,而不是追求我的接触智慧和知识founts。

It was not a victory of science over the God-inspired beliefs of Christianity.


Contemporary postmodern theater moves the ground for the execution of tragedy from the hamartia of the individual tragic hero to the tragic hero's inability to have agency over his own life, without even the free will to make mistakes.


Moreover, when companies then issue a mea culpa and lower their forecasts, disappointed investors will hammer the price of their shares.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
