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According to the direct ratio relationship in a certain range between the color degree of the organic solvent with Pb^2+ and dithizone in the complex compound and the amount of the lead, the amount of the lead can be rapidly determined by way of the visual colorimetry.
After the sample is dissolved and the disturbance eliminated, then dithizone and chloroform solution are added in the sample. According to the direct ratio relationship in a certain range between the color degree of the organic solvent with Pb2+ and dithizone in the complex compound and the amount of the lead, the amount of the lead can be rapidly determined by way of the visual colorimetric.
Lead glass contains typically 18–35 mol % lead oxide, while modern lead crystal, historically also known as flint glass due to the original silica source, contains a minimum of 24% PbO.[2] Lead glass is desirable due to its decorative properties.
If the first line of pigments for composite color or chemical pigments, due to pigments contain iron, lead ions, blue, black pigment may have light after removing traces of India, one and a half months after treatment again.
If the first line of pigments for composite color or chemical pigments, due to pigments contain iron, lead ions, blue, black pigment may have light after removing traces of India, one and a half months after treatment again.2.1064nm laser treatment of black and blue pigments, the operator to the treatment of patients with a brief description of the principles and after conditions avoid patients do not understand the surgery, postoperative reflect and recovery processes, unnecessary disputes.
First of all, this study will be multi-walled carbon nanotubes by chemical oxidation process purified so it can be modified to deal with than the purification of purity before the modified 5 wt%, more than 1.89 times the surface area to increase the surface potential decrease of about 10 ~ 20 mV and the surface functional base (-COOH and-OH) to increase 1.45 times, and then the control technology of electroless preparation parameters include: analysis of plating time, plating analysis of temperature, metal ions in solution than the (Fe2+/ Ni2+), bath pH and the added value of dispersion Agent and other research towards Fe-Ni particles to increase the iron content and Fe-Ni particles spread in the MWCNT upper fixed targets,the results found that when the parameters for the preparation of 50 ℃, pH10, do not add dispersant, metal ions than the solution (Fe2 +/ Ni2 +) 7, the highest iron content can be Fe = 40.55 at%(flat iron content 111.17 mg / g) of nanocomposites Fe-Ni/CNT, then for a series of the nature of its analysis, the final evaluation Fe-Ni/CNT nanocomposites were processed on the effectiveness of the application of mixed pollutants, the results showed that in 120 minutes at the same time when Adsorption of heavy metal ions lead nitrate 10 ppm, selenium heavy metal ion degradation of 1 ppm and orange azo dye AO7 50 ppm standard of effluents, and after a total Fe-Ni nano-particles to SEM / EDS analysis of more than 50% still remaining.
本研究首先将多壁奈米碳管以化学氧化法做纯化改质处理能使其纯度较纯化改质前提高5 wt%、比表面积提高1.89倍、表面电位下降约10~20 mV以及表面官能基提高1.45倍,再控制无电镀技术之制备参数包括:析镀时间、析镀温度,镀液中金属离子比(Fe2+/Ni2+)、镀液pH值及是否添加分散剂等,研究朝提高Fe-Ni粒子的含铁量与Fe-Ni粒子散布固定在MWCNT上等目标进行,研究结果发现当制备参数为50 ℃、pH10、不添加分散剂、镀液金属离子比(Fe2+/Ni2+)7时,可得到最高铁含量Fe = 40.55 at%(单位铁含量111.17 mg/g)之奈米复合材料Fe-Ni/CNT,接著对其作一系列性质分析,最后评估奈米复合材料Fe-Ni/CNT对共处理混合污染物之应用效益,结果显示其在120分钟时能够同时吸附重金属硝酸铅离子10 ppm、重金属硒酸根离子1 ppm及降解偶氮橘色染料AO7 50 ppm达放流水标准,且共处理后奈米Fe-Ni粒子以SEM/EDS分析仍剩余50 %以上。
The properties of a series of Pb-pheophytins were studied by HPLC and spectrometric assay.
It can also be found in toys or other products painted with lead based tint.
Methods The conditions of solvent extracting active ingredient from pueraria lobata were optimized,and evaluating indIcators were contents of puerarin,lead and mercury, which were determined by high performance liquid chromatography and atomic fluorescence spectrometry.
Strains, which were white or light brown when grew on the lead acetate media plates, were selected. Then, the different differential medium plates containing NaiS and as the only sulfur sources were used to select 24 strains, which grew well on plates, but didn't grow well on Na2SO3 plates.
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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).