英语人>网络例句>铁矾 相关的搜索结果


与 铁矾 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile, the concentration of Pb,Zn and other heavy metals is rather high in the oxidation zone and decreasesdownward to levels that are unbelievably low for Pb-Zn mine tailings. Theseobservations suggest that heavy metals should be re-immobilized by secondaryminerals, rather than primary minerals, in the oxidation zone, and could be leachedout from suboxic environment due to low rate oxidative dissolution which preventsthe precipitation of secondary minerals in significant amount. Thus, cover scenarioswhich establish a suboxic environment beneath the cover layer might not always beeffective in preventing heavy metal release from mine tailings.Sequential extraction studies indicate that, in addition to heavy metal leaching,oxidation of the mine tailings increased the mobility of residual Zn, and Cu, while Pb remains immobile due to the formation of anglesite (PbSO4). Using the seven-step extraction technique developed by Dold (J. Geochem. Explor., 2003, 80: 55-68), galena dissolves in significant amount at step 2 most probably due to the strong complexing of Pb2+ by acetate, while other metal sulfides dissolve at step 6, which suggest that this extraction technique could not be used to evaluate the mobility of lead in natural environment


The flocculent experiments results showed that the comprehensive performance of PAFS was superior to that of PAS and PFS.


The preparation of Ni-Zn ferrite from sodium jarosite residue was studied.

摘 要:对黄钠铁矾渣制备复合镍锌铁氧体进行研究。

Continuous culture of immobilized Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans can be used to remove H2S and SO2. In order to reduce the negative effect of jarosite which formed during the oxidation of Fe(superscript 2+) by immobilized cells, the changing of initial pH and the ingredient in 9K medium were tried.


NASA's principal investigator for the rover mission, Steve Squyres, and his colleagues report in the journal Science that the sedimentary rocks analyzed by Opportunity contain sulfate salts and a mineral called jarosite - harsh chemicals that are also found in briny water here on Earth.

此次漫游者任务的主要航天局调查员 Steve Squyres 和他的同伴在《科学日志》上发表道,"机遇号"分析的水成岩物质含有硫酸盐的成分以及一种叫做黄钾铁矾的矿物,这种化学物质具有很强刺激性,在地球的咸海水中也有这种物质。

Continuous culture of immobilized Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans can be used to remove H2S and SO2. In order to reduce the negative effect of jarosite which formed during the oxidation of Fe2+ by immobilized cells, the changing of initial pH and the ingredient in 9K medium were tried.

该固定化细胞的连续培养技术可以用于处理H2S、SO2,为了减少减少固定化细胞培养过程中带来许多不利效应的黄铁矾沉淀 NH4Fe3(SO426),采取了改变初始pH值和目前普遍采用的9K培养基中的(NH4)2SO4浓度,K2HPO4浓度三种方法。

The research based on mineral analyses and experiments show that in the sulphate system hydronic jarosite will precipitate when the concentratjon of Fe3+ and SO increases, and goethite will be formed by hydrolises, or goethite and hydrogoethite will be formed when the concentration of .


In order to reduce the negative effect of jarosite which formed during the oxidation of Fe2+ by immobilized cells, the changing of initial pH and the ingredient in 9K medium were tried. The results showed: among the three methods, decreasing the concentration (NH4)2SO4 was more feasible than two others.

该固定化细胞的连续培养技术可以用于处理H2S、SO2,为了减少减少固定化细胞培养过程中带来许多不利效应的黄铁矾沉淀 NH4Fe3(SO426),采取了改变初始pH值和目前普遍采用的9K培养基中的(NH4)2SO4浓度,K2HPO4浓度三种方法。

The results show that the decomposition rate of ammonium jarosite can reach 98.03% under the following optimum conditions, which are m m=0.381 41, temperature 60 ℃, liquid-solid ratio 21, reaction time 2 h. During the alkaline decomposition, the impurity elements, such as Zn, In, Cu, Cd, Pb, Sb, Sn and Ag are left in the residue, while As is leached into the pregnant solution as AsO43 with leaching rate of 83.36%.

结果表明:在 m m=0.381 41、温度60 ℃、液固比21、反应时间2 h的最优条件下,铁矾渣的分解率达到98.03%,而原料中的杂质金属,如Sn、Sb、Zn、In、Cu、Cd、Pb和Ag等绝大部分留在分解渣中,As则以AsO43的形态大部分进入溶液,浸出率达到83.36%。

The results of research showed that compound ferrous flocculant has simple preparation and not any second pollution matter is produced to the environment, it has big and stout floes formation and fast speed sedimentation while dealing with waste water, it is positively charged according to the electrophoresis, it belongs to cationic flocculant, can gives better coagulation results in turbidity removal, color removal, the maximum removal rate of turbidity and color are 95.4% and more than 81.7%, respectively. There are interactions between polysilicic acid and hydrolyzed ferrous species, the compound ferrous with appropriate Si/Fe not only but also can lower the water treatment cost. The compound ferrous removes colloid particles in water by charge oxidation-reduction, neutralization and furl mechanism.


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
