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与 钠光 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a result, if the iridescence is produced by thin-film interference, not only the thickness of lamellar structure must be defined within a certain nanometer, but also the refractive index need to be different between lamellar structure. In other words, the chemical composition, refractive index and thickness of exsolution lamellae need form to trinity, such as labradorite, albite, andradite and orthoamphibole. If the iridescent color is produced by grating-diffraction, the lamellar structure just needs to be arrayed regularly, the spacing of the edges of lamellar structure needs to be regular and narrow, but not necessarily within the range of the wavelength of visible light, such as shell of abalone, pearl and opal.


In the medium of 0.013 mol/L H2SO4, phosphate reacts with sodium molybdate and potassium antimonyl tartrate, forming a yellowish phosphorus-antimony-molybdenum heteropoly acid. The acid exhibited a strong resonance scattering peak at 710 nm after added with nanogold. The heteropoly acid was reduced by ascorbic acid to antimony phosphomolybdate blue, which caused the decrease of resonance scattering intensity.

在0.013mol/L H2SO4介质中,磷酸根与钼酸钠、酒石酸锑钾反应生成淡黄色的磷锑钼杂多酸,加入纳米金后在710nm处产生一个较强的共振散射峰,抗坏血酸可将磷锑钼杂多酸还原为磷锑钼蓝,导致710nm处共振光散射信号降低。

Sodium chromium chlorophyllin is soluble in water, stable in the neutral solution, and resistant to oxidizing agent and reducing agent. Its thermostabillity is good, but photostability weak.


Key Laboratory of Colloid and Interface Chemistry, Ministry of Education, Jinan 250100Abstract A resonance light scattering method for the determination of critical micelle concentration of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate was proposed.


The results indicated that under photooxidation condition, the addition of "RuBP regeneration system" and sodium glycolate increased qP and Φ, while R5P, DHAP and HCO(superscript – subscript 3) increased qN, compared to nonphotooxidative control.

结果表明,光氧化条件下外加"RuBP再生系统"和乙醇酸钠可提高qP和Φ,而R5P、DHAP和HCO(上标–下标 3)可提高qN,显示其对光氧化下叶绿体PSII活性有一定程度的保护作用。

The fluorescence properties and photolysis behavior of this CdS were studied in heptane and pyridine.


A resonance light scattering method for the determination of critical micelle concentration of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate was proposed.


However, common polyacrylate emulsion has some disadvantages such as poor water-resistance, poor film-forming in low temperature, becoming pastiness in high temperature, polluting environment with emulsifier and so on.


Under field conditions, the effect of spraying NaHSO3 on photosynthesis rate, photorespiration rate and nitrogen metabolism of wheat at reproductive stage were studied.


Porfimer sodium, a drug that sensitizes tumors to light, is approed by FDA, permitting photodynamic therapy in the United States.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
