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With the coordinated interacton of the abrasive particles in dentifrice, can it abrade or corrode dental restorations made from titanium and change their luster and color so as to influence their appearance and long-term use.


MethodsBy high perfomance liquid chromatography method, mobile phase was acetamide plus water solution of sodium heptansulfonic acid and sodium phosphate.

方法采用高效液相色谱法,用乙腈与庚烷磺酸磷酸的水溶液为流动相,流速 1 。0ml/min ,柱温 4 0℃,检测波长为 2 80nm ,进样量为 2 0 μl。

The thesis are divided into two parts. In the first part, we used 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine as the precursor to react with sodium which have been achieved by decomposing sodium hydrate at 623 K. At a low reaction temperature of 623 K, carbon nitride nanosphere、porous carbon nitride material and byproduct sodium chloride, would be produced.

本研究将分成两部份,第一部分是在低温下(623 K)将氢化粉末热裂解,生成表面积较大的熔融态金属,使气态的氰尿醯氯通入与熔融态金属在623 K反应,生成奈米氮化碳球、奈米孔洞性氮化碳材料及副产物氯化

Under the experimental conditions, alum, alum/sodium silicate, sodium silicate/hydrochloric acid, zinc chloride, and sodium silicate/zinc chloride are effective to inhibit the dissolution of precipitated calcium carbonate in distilled water with pH value 5.85, and the pH values of the suspensions decrease.


A new method of oscillographic titration for the determination of nitrogen content in flour is described The sample was digested with H 2SO 4 Na 2SO 4 CuSO 4 Oscillographic titration is conducted on NH + 4 with Na TPB method,then calculate the nitrogen content Compared with standard methods,this method choose innoxious titrant,has a sharp titration endpoint, needs no distillation absorption and indicator It has the advantages of being easy and quick in operation,and the determination re...

研究了面粉中蛋白质含量的示波滴定法。样品用H2 SO4 Na2 SO4 CuSO4 消化处理,N以NH4 +的形式存在于试液中,用过量四苯硼沉淀铵,沉淀过滤,过量的四苯硼用氯化四乙基铵标准溶液返滴定,以四苯硼切口消失为终点,计算出氮含量,再换算为蛋白质含量。与通用的标准分析方法相比较,本方法所用试剂无毒,终点变化敏锐,不需蒸馏吸收,不外加指示剂,具有操作简便、快速,测定结果准确可靠。

Results showed that mRNA level of PC gene was enhanced with the increase of concentrations of propionate sodium,and tolerant range of PC mRNA to propionate sodium was wide.


Plasma glucose significantly decreased at the time of after sodium propionate infusion, no changes occurs after the sodium acetate infusion.


Nearly all the isolates were likely to utilize NZ amine, sodium acetate, sodium propionate and Tween-80, but potassium nitrate and sodium benzoate, sodium succinate, sodium citrate occurred with different strains.


In the current study, anoxic dechlorinations of p, p'-DDT,γ-HCH, HCB in the Liao River sediment were studied under the following conditions: without any additional short chain carbon substrates or vitamin B〓; with the addition of short chain carbon sources (including sodium lactate, sodium propionate or sodium acetate); with the addition of vitamin B〓; with the addition of both short chain carbon substrates and vitamin B〓, with the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate , a kind of surfactant; the coexistence of the three chlorinated compounds.


Glycidyl benzoate,glycidyl propionate,glycidyl acetate were obtained respectly through a phase-transfer catalytic methodology using sodium benzoate, sodium propionate, sodium acetate and epichlorohydrin as raw materials, and pure products were obtained though vaccum distillation.β-cyclodextrin and glycidyl benzoate, glycidyl propionate, glycidyl acetate, reacted in organic solvent and goal product were

先以苯甲酸、乙酸、丙酸和环氧氯丙烷为原料在相转移催化剂的作用下分别合成了苯甲酸缩水甘油酯、乙酸缩水甘油酯和丙酸缩水酯,经过减压蒸馏,得到相应的纯品;β-环糊精和苯甲酸缩水甘油酯、乙酸缩水甘油酯、丙酸缩水甘油酯在有机溶剂中反应,经过硅胶色谱柱分离,得到了相应的产品,产品经过TLC、IR、1H NMR、MS表征,并研究了温度、反应时间、催化剂等几个因素对反应工艺的影响,结果表明温度和催化剂对反应的快慢有较大影响。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
