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与 钠 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After sodium bisulfite reacted with methanal at 60-65℃ for 0.5h, aniline was dripped into the system to synthesize phenylaminomethyl-sodium sulfonate subsequently, the diazol solution of p-nitroaniline was dripped into phenylaminomethyl-sodium sulfonate synthesized to form 4'-nitro-4-aminoazobenzene. The compound was then added into diazol solution of p-chloroaniline to obtain the object product, which was identified by IR spectrum and element analysis.


The study shows that almost all the feldspar in the alkali-granite is perthite, the host-crystal is microcline, the chadcrystal could be either albiter or oligoclase. The Alkali-amphibole is either manganese-magnesia-arfvedsonite or arfvedsonite, and all the alkali-pyroxene is aegirine.


In this paper, the composition of zinc phosphating solution used at environmental temperature was researched. The composition is as followings: phosphoric acid 100 mL, monometallic sodium orthophosphate 20 g/L, zinc oxide 25 g/L, bluestone 1 g/L, sodium molybdate 1 g/L, sodium fluoride 1 g/L, tartaric acid 1 g/L.

研究了配制锌系磷化液配方:1 L溶液中加入磷酸100 mL,磷酸二氢20 g,氧化锌25 g,硫酸铜1 g,钼酸1 g,氟化1 g,酒石酸1 g。

The results indicated that among sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, sodium oleate and glycol, the sodium oleate has good effect.


Application fields of sodium hexametaphosphate was summarized.Production technologies,mainly include two-step sodium dihydrogen phosphate production process and one-step phosphorus pentoxide production process of sodium hexametaphosphate,as well as advantages and disadvantages of various methods were introduced in detail.


Objective: To explore the effect of intramuscular injection of midazolam before intravertebral anesthesia on sedation luring operation and amnesia after operation. Methods: Selected 180 ASA cases at 1~2 stage with lower extremity surgery under combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia, and randomly divided them into midazolam group and phenobarbital sodium group. Gave patients in midazolam group intramuscular injection of midazolam at 0.1mg/kg 10 min earlier before operation, while gave patients in phenobarbital sodium group 0.1 g phenobarbital sodium 30 mm earlier.


Gave patients in midazolam group intramuscular injection of midazolam at 0.1 mg/kg 10 min earlier before operation, while gave patients in phenobarbital sodium group 0.1 g phenobarbital sodium 30 min earlier. With Ramsay sedation evaluation assessed mean arterial pressure and heart rate during anesthesia, before and after operation, respectively.

选择ASA1~2级择期在腰硬联合阻滞下行下肢手术的患者180例,随机分为咪唑安定组和苯巴比妥组,咪唑安定组患者入室后(实施麻醉前10 min)肌内注射咪唑安定0.1 mg/kg,苯巴比妥组患者入室前30 min肌内注射苯巴比妥0.1 g。

The anti-bacteria effect of the soda lime can be influenced by the chemical response between soda lime and CO2, the bacteria in the patient airway may be polluting the ventilation system of the anesthesia machine, so the hospital cross-infection was present in this repeat use of soda lime and ventilation tube. The hospital infection can be effectively prevented by using the one time ventilation tube, the virus/bacteria filter utensil and/or rechange the soda lime in the general anesthesia.


The bacteria culture was done for the endotracheal tube, the expiration and inspiration entrance of the anesthesia machine, and the soda lime in eighty general anesthesia patients. Results There are no bacteria growing in the new and the polluted new soda lime at the different stages.

对麻醉机的CO2吸收剂石灰进行不同时期细菌培养,菌株污染新的石灰进行菌落计数, 80例气管插管全身麻醉病人在手术麻醉结束前对病人的气管导管端、麻醉机的呼气端、吸气端、石灰行细菌培养。

The following experimental results are obtained:(1) Through the dissociation and ionization of sodium amide in a shock tube with a magic hole to provide sodium ions and electrons, the three-body recombination rate coefficient of sodium ion with electron is determined under the condition of argon atoms acting as the third body in the collision process:〓. The experimental temperature range is from 1400 to 2700K, extending the limitation of the flame method.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
