- 与 钟情 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Mount Tai is a perfect example of the kind of mountain resort that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage, boasting numerous grotesque rock formations, age-old pine trees, stone bridges, temples, pavilions, pagodas, and halls, And in particular; tourists will invariantly marvel at the vast number of stone inscriptions left in more than 1,300 places by famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties.
培训96 5、泰山的每个季节都有独特的魅力。春天,绿茵茵的山坡上,争奇斗妍的花朵到处可见。夏天,泰山的雷暴雨堪称奇观。秋天,枫树叶漫山遍野,蔚蓝色的河水川流不息。冬天,雪盖群峰松披霜,景观素雅悲壮,别有一番情趣。喜逢艳阳日,极目远眺,重峦叠嶂,尽收眼帘。但遇天阴时,环顾四周,苍茫大地,尽人云海。泰山的日出与日落,闻名遐迩。壮观的自然风景以及不可计数的历史名胜,激发了古代文人墨客,为之舞文弄墨,创作了无数经典佳作。泰山历来是画家骚客所钟情的聚集地。
I, too, rejoice in the thought of seeing you soon again, and of making a living print'' upon those sweet and Swabian features.
I, too, rejoice in the thought of seeing you soon again, and of making a %26quot;living print'' upon those sweet and Swabian features.
And, Miss Eyre, so much was I flattered by this preference of the Gallic sylph for her British gnome, that I installed her in an hotel; gave her a complete establishment of servants, a carriage, cashmeres, diamonds, dentelles, etc.
Sight,I do know I really like you a lot. Tanya C
As a teen-ager , though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one
As a teen-ager , though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didn't know him.
Since I was growing up from a family of theatricals, I am romantic, emotional, charming, loving caring and very passionate with the one I really love and respect.
Carpet : There are few things worse than a soggy bathroom mat. That's why we are laying down the Aqua carpet by Finnish designer, Hanna Korvela. It is a reversible woven carpet made from water-repellants, it is available in seven color including turquoise, red and black - but we are fond of the soothing beige version. Korvela set up her design studio in 1994, making a name for herself with Duetto, a rug crafted in paper yarn and cotton tricot.
地毯 :没有比浴室潮湿踏垫更糟的了,为甚麼我们会想躺在芬兰设计师 Hanna Korvela 所设计的 Aqua 地毯的原因了;双面编织地毯具防水功能,有七种不同颜色,包括蓝绿色、红色与黑色,但一般较钟情於较舒坦的米黄色。1994 年 Korvela 设立设计工作室以 Duetto 命名,房内所用小地毯以纸纱线和棉混编而成。
Now, think of your interests. For example, if you are interested in teaching, love geography, are very comfortable with computer software,and have been playing the trombone for 10 years, you know a lot about yourself!
- 推荐网络例句
But we don't care about Battlegrounds.
Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.
Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.
Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。