英语人>网络例句>钙化 相关的搜索结果


与 钙化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This mammogram demonstrates a suspicious area with microcalcifications that could be a carcinoma or just an area of fibrocystic changes.


Cardiac arrhythmias, arterial kinking, extensie calcification, high bifurcation, or unusual diseases (such as fibromuscular dysplasia or dissection) may make image interpretation more difficult.


The attenuation values at unenhanced and enhanced CT of the tumor were also recorded. Results The 32 cases adrenal neoplasms included 9 cases with aldosterone-producing adenoma, 5 hydrocortisone-producing adenomas, 1non-functional adenoma, 5 cortical hyperplasies,4 pheochromocytomas,2 adenocarcinomas, 3 metastases, 1 fibroneuroma, 1 ganglioneuroma and 1 myelolipomas. Conclusion The characteristics on CT images are associated with the pathological feature in adrenal neoplasms.

结果 醛固酮腺瘤9例,体积较小且密度低,增强后轻度增强;皮质醇腺瘤5例,瘤体较大,边界清,密度略低于正常肾上腺组织;无功腺瘤1例;结节增生5例,为等或稍低密度影,增强后强化较明显;嗜铬细胞瘤4例,体积较大,密度不均,可见多个囊变坏死区;皮质腺癌2例,肿块形态不规则,边缘模糊,密度不均匀,易发生大片坏死及点状钙化;转移瘤3例;神经纤维瘤、神经节瘤及髓性脂肪瘤各1例。

The free pulpiform nucleus had the same equal or low signal with provided intervertebral disc,5 cases with flecky calcification showed lower signal.


Results The qualitative accuracy of CT in diagnosis of breast cancer, galactocele, lipoma, fibroadenoma, gynecomastia, breast hyperplasia was 80%(8/10), 100%(2/2), 100%(1/1), 100%(27/27), 100%(7/7), 100%(14/14), respectively.

钼靶摄影显示成簇样微小钙化优于CT.CT和钼靶摄影对乳房肿块的诊断准确率分别为 97%和71%。

Results Among 85 cases, 46 cases were lipomas, Twenty-seven cases were sebaceous cysts, 19 cases were angeiomas, 8 cases were fibroids, 5 cases were ganglionic cysts, 3 cases were neurilemmomas,1 case was dermal nevus, 1 cases was fattey necrosis, 1 case was adipositis, 1 case was foreign-body granuloma,1 case was calcified epithelioma.

回顾性分析85例体表良性肿块的超声表现,总结其声像图特征,所有病例均经手术病理证实。结果 85例中脂肪瘤46例,皮脂腺囊肿27例,血管瘤19例,纤维瘤8例,腱鞘滑液囊肿5例,神经鞘膜瘤3例,皮肤痣、脂肪坏死、脂膜炎、异物肉芽肿、钙化上皮瘤各1例。

Objective To investigate whether osteoblasts cultured in vitro can form mineralization nodes. Method The osteoblasts at 1×105/ml,2×105/ml and 5×105 /ml cell density were cultured in the DMEM medium and in the DMEM medium supplemented with β-glycerophosphate sodium and ascorbic acid.

目的 了解体外培养成骨细胞的接量对钙化结节形成的影响方法实验选用了1×105 /ml、2×105个/ml、5×105个/ml三个不同的细胞接种浓度,并且每个浓度组分别给予含β-甘油磷酸钠和维生素C的条件培养液以及常规培养液进行细胞培养。

Results There were more mineralization nodes to form in shorter time in the 1×105/ml cell density group compared with in the 2×105/ml cell density group, but in the 5×105/ml cell density group, there were not, and with the DMEM medium contained β-glycerophosphate sodium and ascorbic acid, mineralization nodes formed more early compared with the DMEM medium.

结果 在培养30天内,条件培养液或常规培养液培养的5×105个/ml组细胞无结节形成;而2×105个/ml组和1×105个/ml组都有钙化结节形成,而且有细胞越少形成结节越早,数量越的趋势;给予条件培养液又较常规培养液培养有结节形成早而多的趋势。

Methods Rat calcific vascular smooth muscular cells were induced by β-glycerophosphate, interfered with OMT.


Results There were more mineralization nodes to form in shorter time in the 1×105/ml cell density group cnpared with in the 2×105/ml cell density group, but in the 5×105/ml cell density group, there were not, and with the DMEM medium contained β-glycerophosphate sodium and ascorbic acid, mineralization nodes formed more early cnpared with the DMEM medium.

结果 在培养30天内,条件培养液或常规培养液培养的5×105个/ml组细胞无结节形成;而2×105个/ml组和1×105个/ml组都有钙化结节形成,而且有细胞越少形成结节越早,数量越多的趋势;给予条件培养液又较常规培养液培养有结节形成早而多的趋势。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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