英语人>网络例句>钙化 相关的搜索结果


与 钙化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presents a study on PCD examples occurring on coralline algae, which are significant in ecology for their role as reef builder.


Background— Fetuin-A is a multifunctional hepatic secretory protein that inhibits dystrophic vascular and valvular calcification.


Lymph node calcification is not uncommon, and can be "egg-shell" in appearance.


Results (1) 6 cases of Tuberous Sclerosis. Diffused subependymal nodular calcification lesions were found in all cases on unenhenced CT. 4 patients are 2 pairs of mother/child relationship. Both of the two mothers are found to suffer from renal angiomyolipoma.(2)1 case of neurofibromatosis showed abnormal spinal canal: scoliosis of thoracic and lumbar spine, concave change of vertebral posterior border. Bilateral renal hypogenesis was found in this patient. Diffused hyper-density lesions were found in kidney and fatty accumulation was found in back skin.(3)6 cases of Sturge-Weber syndrome. On unenhenced CT, curving and strip-shaped calcifications were found along the parietal and occipital gyrus.

结果 ①结节性硬化6例,所有病例CT平扫见两侧脑室室管膜下多发小结节状高密度钙化灶,其中4例为两对母子关系,并见两位母亲合并有肾脏错构瘤,;②神经纤维瘤病1例,MRI表现为椎管异常,胸腰段脊柱侧弯,椎体后缘呈明显的切凹改变;伴有双肾发育不良,CT示肾内多个高密度影,背部皮肤多量脂肪堆积,③脑颜面血管瘤综合征6例, CT可见顶枕部沿脑回分布的弯曲的条状高密度钙化,部分延伸致侧脑室内,增强后见病灶内有扭曲的条状和结节状明显强化的血管影;④小脑血管瘤病4例,影像学表现为小脑内大囊、小结节样占位性病变。

Curvilinear calcification suggests an aneurysm but is a less specific finding because it can also occur in craniopharyngiomas and sphenoidal masses. The intense enhancement of the residual lumen is relatively specific, but differentiation from other masses may be difficult on CT scans depending on the timing and degree of vascular enhancement. The MR imaging features are usually diagnostic, although they can be very subtle [2]. Significant signal heterogeneity is seen with T1 hyperintense signal due to subacute thrombus or flow related enhancement. Areas of T2 hypointensity can be seen due to intracellular deoxy or methemoglobin, calcification, or flow void.


Birth, the permanent teeth in the deciduous tooth germ had been under, with the exception of the first molar (ie, age 6 teeth) in the neonatal period has begun to calcification, the calcification of permanent teeth is carried out in infancy, Therefore, the infant not only to protect the deciduous teeth, but also in order to obtain a fit and lay the foundation for permanent teeth.


Objective To study the surgical techniques and results of arthroscopic treatment of calcifying tendinitis of rotator cuff .


In moderate to severe disease, conventional radiography may reveal tracheal scalloping and nodular irregularity or irregular asymmetric stenosis (Fig 10a).


In moderate to severe disease, conventional radiography may reveal tracheal scalloping and nodular irregularity or irregular asymmetric stenosis (Fig 10a). Thickened tracheal cartilage with irregular calcification is seen with CT (Fig 10b).


In moderate to severe disease, conventional radiography may reveal tracheal scalloping and nodular irregularity or irregular asymmetric stenosis (Fig 10a). Thickened tracheal cartilage with irregular calcification is seen with CT (Fig 10b). Multiple nodules, with or without calcification, may project into the airway lumen.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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