英语人>网络例句>量热 相关的搜索结果


与 量热 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The preparation process includes the following steps: dissolving activator and RE oxide in the molar ratio of 0.01-0.02 in concentrated nitric acid and heating to dry, dissolving the obtain RE nitrate in deionized water to obtain solution of RE nitrate; dissolving soluble tungstate and surfactant in deionized water to obtain tungstate solution; mixing the RE nitrate solution and the tungstate solution through stirring to reaction for 25-60 min to obtain white precipitate; hydrothermal reaction of the precipitate in a reaction kettle at 100-260 deg.c for 24-72 hr; centrifugally separating, washing and drying to obtain the product.


Research purposes: The anti- frost heaving measures for the surface of subgrade in permafrost region and the anti-heat thawing measures for the subgrade of poor and rich ice frozen soil are put forward based on the analysis of the characteristics of surface frost heaving and bottom thawing of subgrade in permafrost region.


The company's main products: color detection instruments: Glossiness Miriam, Miriam color spectrophotometry, standard light source for color light box, transmissioní°Miriam, Miriam orange peel, fresh young tester; surface coating physical properties testing instruments: Coating thickness, wet film thickness, temperature tracker, surface humidity instrument, dewpoint meter, roughness instrument, electric spark pinhole leak detectors; Detect mechanical properties of surface coating equipment: zoned grid, and pencil hardness tester , impact tester, hardness testing sticks, Latvia Law / hydraulic adhesion tester, abrasion tester, cylinder / cone bending tester, cups sudden device, surface tension instruments, scratch pen, indentation hardness tester, etc.; paint coating equipment dedicated category: fineness board, drying time recorder, wet adhesion tester, paint ohmmeter, PH, the coating device, mixer, bead mill, mixer, spray gun, putty detector Miriam, white tester, iron cobalt colorimeter, moisture titrator; viscosity-type equipment: Viscosity Cup, density cup, bubble viscosity tube viscometer, infiltration cup rheometer, viscosity units conversion meter; laboratory standard consumables: Mitsubishi pencil tests, 3M adhesive tape test, RCA tape, rubber, the hiding power test paper for color tubes, microscopes dedicated LED ring light source, transfer ink knife and ink scraper, brush, Color Card, gray cards, zirconia beads, glass beads, pieces of cement mortar, the standard of fly ash, the standard viscosity fluid, stopwatch, chemical industry-standard compilation of manuals, paint paint testing manual; test standard Material: tin plate, steel plate, aluminum sheet, asbestos-cement pressure plate, Eterpan, glass, maple panels, MDF, copper film, polyester film, copper; measuring meter and optical instruments: digital calipers, micrometer, dial gauge a high scale, depth gauge, thickness gauge, diameter gauge, gauge block, magnifiers, microscopes, projectors, video measuring instrument; environmental test equipment: oven, constant temperature and humidity box, hot and cold circulating water bath, salt spray test chamber, high temperature resistance furnace, fluorescent UV aging chamber, xenon lamp aging chamber; electronics equipment: infrared thermometer, multimeter, clamp sheet, thermal imager, temperature and humidity meter; anti-static instruments: static tester, surface resistivity device, flat-panel monitor, anti-static footwear tester, wrist strap tester, body Tester; other types of instruments and equipment: torque tester, temperature and humidity recorder, push pull, the vibrometer, speed instrument, analytical balance, industrial Scale Units, dust particle counter, X-ray fluorescence coating thickness measurement and elemental composition analyzer, and so on.

公司主营产品:外观颜色检测仪器:光泽度仪、分光色差仪、标准光源对色灯箱、透射雾影仪、桔皮仪、鲜映性测试仪;表面涂层物理性能检测仪器:涂层测厚仪、湿膜测厚仪、炉温跟踪仪、表面湿度仪、露点仪、粗糙度仪、电火花针孔检漏仪;表面涂层机械性能检测仪器设备:划格器、铅笔硬度计、冲击试验仪、硬度试验棒、拉脱法/液压式附着力试验仪、耐磨耗试验机、圆柱/圆锥弯曲试验仪、杯突仪、表面张力仪、划痕笔、压痕硬度计等;涂料油漆类专用仪器设备:细度板、干燥时间记录仪、湿附着力耐擦洗试验仪、油漆电阻计、PH计、涂膜器、混合机、珠磨机、搅拌机、喷枪、腻子测定仪仪、白度仪、铁钴比色计、水份滴定仪;粘度类仪器设备:粘度杯、密度杯、气泡粘度管、粘度计、渗透杯、流变仪、粘度单位换算计;实验室标准消耗品:三菱测试铅笔、3M测试胶带、RCA纸带、橡皮条、遮盖力测试纸、对色灯管、显微镜专用LED环型光源、调墨刀、墨铲、狼毫刷、色卡、灰卡、锆珠、玻璃珠、水泥砂浆块、标准粉煤灰、标准粘度液、秒表、化学工业标准汇编手册、涂料油漆测试手册;测试级标准基材:马口铁板、钢板、铝板、石棉水泥加压板、埃特板、玻璃板、枫木面板、中纤板、紫铜片、聚酯膜、铜棒;量具量仪及光学仪器:数显卡尺、千分尺、千分表、高度尺、深度规、厚度规、内径规、量块、放大镜、显微镜、投影仪、影像测量仪;环境测试设备:烘箱、恒温恒湿箱、冷热循环水浴、盐雾试验箱、高温电阻炉、荧光紫外老化试验箱、氙灯老化试验箱;电子类仪器:红外测温仪、万用表、钳形表、热像仪、温湿度仪;防静电仪器:静电测试仪、表面电阻仪、平板监测仪、防静电鞋袜测试仪、手腕带测试仪、人体综合测试仪;其他类仪器设备:扭力测试仪、温湿度记录仪、推拉力计、测振仪、转速仪、分析天平、工业台秤、尘埃粒子计数器、 X-射线荧光涂层测厚和元素成分构成分析仪,等等。

Mechanism of frosting formation for airside heat exchanger is analyzed, the existing problems in the formula of frost density change being used now are pointed out, and the accurate formula of it is firstly concluded from the ideal gas state equation and Clapeyron-Clausius equation.


Firstly, Wavelet-Galerkin algorithm for solving the first kind of singular integral equation with the Hilbert kernel is proposed, we use the characteristic of periodic wavelet on L~2([0,1]) and Hilbert kernel to solve and make stiff matrix lower dimensions and become sparser through thresholding,thus the cost of computation is reduced. Because of the singularity of Hilbert kernel we use Tikhonov regularization method to solve the system of stiff equation. At last the convergence and numerical result of approximate solution are given. Secondly, an approach of regularization based on Fourier is presented for sideways heat equation; we give the theory proof and error estimate.


Activating gold foil is one of the usual methods absolute measuring the thermal neutron flux rate.


The composition of the SiGe thin films were controlled by changing the ratio of the area of silicon and germanium. By changing the parameters of substrate temperature and annealing temperature, we examined the microstructure, composition, crystallinity, electrical and thermoelectric properties by field emission scanning electron microscope, X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometer, X-ray diffraction, Hall effect and Seebeck coefficient measurement.


Of the five stages deformation, the exact ages of the (2) and (3) were determined by 40Ar/39Ar method as 290 and 259 Ma respectively.2. New results on the metamorphic belts and associated metamorphism of the Xiaopu metamorphic rocksBased on detailed microtextural observations and occurrence of typical metamorphic minerals, five metamorphic belts in the Xiaopu metamorphic rocks are identified. From the north to the south, they are biotite belt, garnet belt, staurolite belt, andalusite belt, and sillimanite belt. I suggested that the metamorphic belts occurred in the Xiaopu area belongs to the high temperature/low pressure series, may have resulted from the later Permian crust extension at ca. 290 Ma.3. I suggest that there may have been a Carboniferous backarc basin along the southern slope of the Harlik Mountain.Detrital Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating indicated that the sedimentary age of the Julideneng formation lithic sandstone must be later than late Devonian, most likely is Carboniferous rather than previously thought Precambrian. Analyses on its geologic setting, location of provenance, and sedimentary environment suggest the Carboniferous strata may form in a lagged backarc basin bounded by backarc uplifts.5. Reconstruction of the post-Paleozoic tectonic evolution history of the Harlik MountainThe tectonic evolution of Harlik mountains since the Paleozoic were reconstructed as followings:(1) arc-affinity magmative activities occurred during the middle-Ordovician to early-Silurian;(2) the middle-Silurian to late-Devonian was a back-arc uplift stage;(3) back-arc extension featured the Carboniferous period;(4) post-collisional extension and/then compression during Permian;(5) at the Mesozoic, differential uplift developed; and (6) the late Cenozoic is the intra-continental re-orogen stage.6. Primary estimation of the crust shortening is madeThe folded pre-Mesozoic strata were used to estimate crust shortening along the Harliknanshankou-Koumenzi, Shichengzi-Baishitou, and Qincheng-Xiaopu sections. Their shortening ratios are 16.2%, 19.8%, and 20.1% respectively corresponding crust shortening are 4.3, 9, and 11.3 km.

根据Ar-Ar热年代学研究,精确测定了早二叠世伸展变形和晚二叠世挤压变形的峰期时代分别为290Ma和259Ma.2、提出了关于哈尔里克山南麓小铺一带变质带和变质作用的新认识根据显微观察资料和特征变质矿物的出现,把小铺一带的变质岩由SW向NE方向依次划分为黑云母带、石榴石带、十字石带、红柱石带和矽线石带等变质带;初步确定该区的变质作用属于中温-低压型,变质作用发生的时代为290Ma左右,是该区早二叠世地壳伸展的产物。3、首次提出哈尔里克山南麓在石炭纪可能发育弧后盆地的新观点根据哈尔里克山南麓原"居里得能组"岩屑砂岩的碎屑锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年,确认这套地层的沉积不早于晚泥盆世,很可能是石炭纪,而不是前人所说的前寒武纪;结合对其区域地质背景、源区位置和沉积环境分析,推测该区石炭纪可能为滞后弧后盆地和弧后隆起区构造背景。4、进一步证明哈尔里克山不发育与岛弧演化相关的泥盆纪岩浆活动根据对代表性闪长岩和花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP年代学研究获得的新资料,结合该区已有相关资料的综合研究,确定哈尔里克山岩浆岩分别形成于奥陶纪-志留纪和石炭纪晚期-二叠纪,不存在泥盆纪的岩浆岩,进而认为该区泥盆纪不属于岛弧环境。5、重建了哈尔里克山古生代以来的地质演化过程根据区域资料以及本次研究所获得的资料,把哈尔里克山古生代以来的构造演化划分中奥陶世-早志留世为岛弧、中志留世-晚泥盆世为弧后区、石炭纪弧后伸展、二叠纪为后碰撞伸展与挤压、中生代差异隆升和晚新生代陆内再造山过程等构造阶段。6、初步估算了哈尔里克山地壳缩短率和缩短量根据前中生代地层褶皱估算的哈尔里克山南山口-口门子、石城子-白石头和沁城-小铺三条剖面的地壳缩短率分别为16.2%、19.8%和20.1%,相应的地壳缩短量分别为4.3km、9km和11.3km。

A group of acid soluble boiling stable proteinsin fig cells accumulated in alarge amount when treated by NaCl,and which was more in AH cell lines and under higher salt media,suggesting it might be an important factor in salt tolerance of fig cells.


The results indicated that coincident beaten strength,falling strenngth annd thermal stability of the sewage sludge briquette made of 2%sewage sludge,0.3% white earth,and coal powered equivalent to those of white earth briquette.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
