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Results 37 nurses(31.88%of the total)wone in the state of higher tensity;100 nurses are in the upper limit of normal state,and only one is in the normal state.Conclusions On the base of these,the author pointed out that intervention to psychological behavior should be done to the nurses in the emergency department.


Rollei has always been a very product oriented company and they are putting more concentration on product development than other marketing aspects.


It mainly behaves that they attaches importance to the guiding news and the scheme, module frame becomes mainstream, pictures becomes "leading actor" from supporting role, headers stand out and more strike the eye, the lines and the color blocks are more agility, the form becomes solid from plane, the color becomes mulriple.


Beyond question, some ideas and contents within traditional Wushu Ethic still have certain social values nowadays, such as, emphasizing on colony spirit, stressing the patriotism to struggle for the nation; advocating the help towards others for just cause and sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others; claiming self-commitment to maintain social justice; canonizing principle of kindheartedness, accentuating harmonious relationship established during Wushu skill interchange with others and taking into account the ethic value.


This paper claims that the latest development of international private law shows the following trends:the scope is broadening and new theories constantly emerge; legal connections separate and connective factors are elasticized; more attention is paid to substantive law and the application of policy direction and result selection;restrictions of lex voluntatis are strengthened, contractfulfilling place becomes specific and concrete; lex domicile replaces lex patriate, and lex fori has the priority; attitud...


The main differences are: first, Kohlberg lays emphasis on describing the characteristic of moralthinking development in different stages, rather than on the process of thinking formation. Piaget studies ,emphatically the process of thinking formation, secondarily the desciption of the processs characteristic; Secondly, on the factors of influencing moral development, Kohlberg put high stress on the social-congnition factor, nevertheless Piaget neglecs it. Thirdly, Piaget focusses purely on theory study, but Kohlberg on theory study and using the study in education as well.


Being masculine is the most important for a man, while being gentle is the most important for a woman.


Looking from the investigation result that, thesociety, the school does not take the historical map in historicalteaching utilization, the historical teacher educates the idea lag,the educational model ossifies, the student is not big to thehistorical discipline study interest, does not take the historical mapteaching.


First, the research of the information technique influence of the competitive advantage to contribute to understanding that information technique fetches the advantage of cost, advantage of discrepancy and advantage of un-boundary outspreading, in order to make business enterprise to master deeply influence of the information technique in competitive advantage effect and raise the competitive advantage of the business enterprise with maximum limit.


Based on the theory of eclectic paradigm of internationalproduction and the analysis of indispensable conditions for investment, this paper indicatesCNOOC's advantages in foreign direct investment. Making use of the method of combiningtheories with physical, combining investment cases of SINOPEC, CNPC and ONGC, upon theanalysis of process and pace relationship in oversea expansion, investment mode, investmentlocation, investment domain, capital source and capital form, it suggests the issues those shouldbe taken into account for investment strategy, including recognizing the relationship betweenreward and development pace, the priority in investment mode selecting, pluralizing of oil sourcesupply, upstream business investment philosophy, all forms of financing channels, and theproportion of non-fund capital in investment capital forms.

最后运用理论与实际相结合的方法,结合中石油、中石化以及印度石油天然气总公司的投资案例,从海外发展的进程与速度、投资方式、投资区位、投资领域、资本来源以及投资出资物等 6 个方面进行分析,提出中海油今后在确定投资战略时应该注重以下几个问题:要重视发展速度与效益的关系;在三种投资方式中,首先考虑通过收购优良资产获得油气储量,其次要与国际大公司合作进行风险勘探,最后要谨慎对待公司并购;选择投资区域时,首先要巩固现有的亚洲资产,其次要重视对其他地区的研究与尝试,实现油源供应的多元化;对海外的投资要长期致力于上游领域;融资方式要多元化;要注重除资金外其他的资本形式在投资出资物中的比重。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
