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与 重被的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Remission of sins is not based on human merit, but on the Lord's crucifixion; regeneration is not based on human merit, but on the Lord's resurrection; and the enduement with the Holy Spirit is not based on human merit, but on the Lord's exaltation.


There is a flower known to botanists, one of the same genus with our summer plant called "Life-Everlasting," a Gnaphalium like that, which grows on the most inaccessible cliffs of the Tyrolese mountains, where the chamois dare hardly venture, and which the hunter, tempted by its beauty, and by his love (for it is immensely valued by the Swiss maidens), climbs the cliffs to gather, and is sometimes found dead at the foot, with the flower in his hand.


Several basic tenrts of otolith research have been questioned recently with regard to eel metamorphosis.specifically,some researchers have suggested that otolith increment formation is not daily,and otolith material may be resorped during metamorphosis.we conducted a rearing experiment to test the hypothesis that increment formation is daily and that the otolith continues to grow during eel metamorphosis.we marked the otolith of wild-caught leptocephali and reared these fish through metamorphosis.metamorphosis was characterized by a decreasing standard length,pre-anal length,and body depth accompanied by an increase in pigmentation and a change in behavior.


The calculation results shows that ,(1) when the rotor rotates at the working speed, a local regurgitant whirlpool that is rightabout to the rotor"s rotating direction appears in the classifying region, which makes the separated granules come back to the outside of the classification district and influences the classification efficiency of the turbine classifier;(2) in the condition of a low rotating speed of turbo rotor, ultrafine particles can follow the gas phase by and large, but when the rotating speed increases, a phenomenon of velocity slippage between two phases appears evidently;(3) A operating parameter, air flow rate is so important that can directly influence the stability of flow field in classifying chamber, the bigger the air flowrate is , the steadier the flow field is;(4) Compared with straight blades, the new shape of blades with backward crooked elbow are helpful to improve the stability of flow field and form whole stream easily, also beneficial to advance the classification accuracy and classification efficiency;(5) The motion trace of particles are very complicated when the turbo rotor rotates at a high speed, the constant bounce of the particles appear between the blades and the coarse particles are even bounce back from the inlet, only the finer can pass through the classification area from the oulet;(6) Along with the increase of the rotor"s rotating speed, radiah axial and tangential velocity all begain to fluctuate repetitively like sine-wave, the smaller the particles are, the more violently they fluctuates.


More mountains; bluish beauties never attainable, or ever turning into inhabited hill after hill; south-eastern ranges, altitudinal failures as alps go; heart and sky-piercing snow-veined gray colossi of stone, relentless peaks appearing from nowhere at a turn of the highway; timbered enormities, with a system of neatly overlapping dark firs, interrupted in places by pale puffs of aspen; pink and lilac formations, Pharaonic, phallic,"too prehistoric for words"; buttes of black lava; early spring mountains with young-elephant lanugo along their spines; end-of-the-summer mountains, all hunched up, their heavy Egyptian limbs folded under folds of tawny moth-eaten plush; oatmeal hills, flecked with green round oaks; a last rufous mountain with a rich rug of lucerne at its foot.


Lund concept-to decrease the intracranial volume by the way of promoting the re-absorption of interstitial fluid in blood capillary bed-has been systematically studied too. But the investigation about cerebral vein system-the biggest blood storeroom-was less reported to review relative literatures. We carried out the pilot experiments to describe brain bridging veins in porcine and underlaid deeper research about human brain bridging veins by initially approaching possible ICP regulation mechanism.


Now is the time for a journey deep in the dark Through icy chambers that lie deep within your heart The icy north winds chill to the very core Howling as they flow, a truth that's very sure Christ is Lord Christ is King Christ is God The North Wind In ancient texts that have been passed down through aeons There is a premise that just cannot be undone All we are and all we have is a gift of love A stone cold truth, stark as ice, revealed from above Christ is Lord Christ is King Christ is God The North Wind And so this love that you feel runs through your veins Feel your blood unthaw as you are born again His healing is coming you never will be the same Now is the time that you must lift high up his name Christ is Lord Christ is King Christ is God The North Wind Muscles, tissues, blood flow accelerates As you are restored into your intended state The love of God has restored your heart and soul The message of the North Wind, it has taken hold Christ is Lord Christ is King Christ is God The North Wind Lord, King, God x 4

现在是旅途深在黑暗中通过冰室摆在你的心深处冰冷的风冷却到北的核心嚎叫,因为它们流动,一个真相,非常肯定基督是主基督是王基督是上帝北风在古代文本已流传通过aeons 有一个前提,即不能被撤消所有我们和所有我们是一个爱的礼物石头冷真理,鲜明的冰,从上面显示基督是主基督是王基督是上帝北风因此这种爱,你会觉得他们穿过你的静脉感觉你的血液unthaw如你重生他的愈合是今后你永远不会是相同的现在是时候了,你必须解除了他的名字高基督是主基督是王基督是上帝北风肌肉组织,血液流动加快如你打算恢复到您的国家上帝的爱,恢复你的心脏和灵魂该邮件的北风吹,它已采取举行基督是主基督是王基督是上帝北风

Blade according to claim 1, characterised in that the spar is divided into two bundles (10a, 10b), spaced apart from one another in the shell (4), extending longitudinally on either side of the axis of change of blade pitch, and coacting with the suction face covering (4b) and the pressure face covering (4a) forming a triple torsion box, the filling being constituted by three filling bodies one of which (12b) is arranged between the two bundles (10a, 10b) of the spar and between the pressure face covering (4a) and the suction face covering (4b) of the shell, a second one of which (12a) is a leading edge filling body, housed at the (12c) is a trailing edge filling body, housed at the rear of the rear bundle (10b) of the spar.

刀片根据权利要求1 ,特色是在说, SPAR公司是分为两束( 10 A条, 10 B条),间隔,除了从一个另一个在蚬壳( 4 ),纵向延伸的两旁轴改变叶片间距,和coacting与吸力面对包括( 4B )条和压力,面对包括( 4A )就形成了三重扭转框中,填补被所构成的三充填机构的其中之一( 12 B条)是安排两国之间的捆绑( 10 A条, 10 B条)该SPAR公司之间的压力,面对包括( 4A )条和吸力面对包括( 4B )条的壳,第二个其中( 12 )是一家领先的优势,充填体,住在( 12 C )是一种缘加油站机构,安置在车尾后方束( 10 B条)的SPAR公司。

"As he stared at her ample bosom, he daydreamed of the dual Stromberg carburetors in his vintage Triumph Spitfire, highly functional yet pleasingly formed, perched prominently on top of the intake manifold, aching for experienced hands, the small knurled caps of the oil dampeners begging to be inspected and adjusted as described in chapter seven of the shop manual."

汉化:他注视着她丰满的胸部,幻想起装在他那台老旧的Triumph Spitfire里的Stromberg二重汽化器,有着优越的性能和惹人喜爱的外形,突起在进气管垫上,是为经验丰富的双手准备的,那油滚轴顶端多边形的小帽期待着被查看和调校,就像售货手册第七章写的那样。

The results show that 42.86% topsoil samples are polluted by Cadmium, soil synthesis pollution index is moderate, Cadmium pollution degree of topsoil correlate with the environment of sampling sites. The results also show that exchangeable Cd, carbonate-bound Cd, organic-bound Cd and residual Cd are found in all soil samples except for Fe-Mn oxide-bound Cd. Furthermore, the concentration of exchangeable Cd and carbonate-bound Cd, both which have high biological validity, is high. Humus has a certain correlation with exchangeable Cd, organic-bound Cd and residual Cd, and has no obvious correlation with other chemical speciations. Any chemical speciation of Cd has no obvious correlation with pH and total Fe of soil samples. Cadmium in topsoil can be eluviated by acid solution, the quantity of Cadmium eluviated by redistilled water is little. With the rise of pH of eluviating solution, eluviated Cadmium quantity decrease. For the same soil sample, the lower pH value of eluviating solution is, the more fast the Cadmium is eluviated, and the more thequantity of Cadmium is eluviated.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
