英语人>网络例句>重被的 相关的搜索结果


与 重被的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the pursuit of the sunshine and the achievement of the survival will, it always grows tortuously and persistently across the earth, however heavy the upper stone or however narrow the crack between the stones. Its stem drills under the earth and its bud sticks out of the land. The strength is irresistible, which overturns the blocking stone. How powerful the seed.

他为着向往阳光,为着达成它的生之意志,不管上面的石块如何重,石块与石块之间如何狭,它必定要曲曲折折地,但是顽强不屈地透到地面上来,它的根往土壤钻,它的芽往地面挺,这是— 1 种不可抗的力,阻止它的石块,结果也被它掀翻,一粒种子的力量的大如此。

Alone and untethered, feeling lost in the country he had come to regard as home, Hans stumbles upon the vibrant New York subculture of cricket, where he revisits his lost childhood and, thanks to a friendship with a charismatic and charming Trinidadian named Chuck Ramkissoon, begins to reconnect with his life and his adopted country.


Gui Xiaohu's "Do not watch" series may involve triple ambiguous: First, the material from his anti-vice picture, this is painting with images of disputes over the other; secondly, he has chosen and reproduced these images, it constitutes a peep again; Thirdly, the peep makes the theme of sex and violence implicit social criticism, and in highlighting the plight of ethics at the same time, the works themselves were placed in a moral dilemma.


This is the essential thing: that Western man has been drawn for three centuries to the task of telling everything concerning his sex; that since the classical age there has been a constant optimization and an increasing valorization of the discourse on sex; and that this carefully analytical discourse was meant to yield multiple effects of displacement, intensification, reorientation, and modification of desire itself.


For assisting identification of crude drug Herba Dendrobii. Methods Morphological and histological studies were carried out on 11 medicinal plant roots in Dendrobium Sw. by microstructural observation. The 11 species were divided into three groups according to their stem morphology: a pair fleshy-stem group, including D. chrysanthum, D. crepidatum, D. primulinum, D. hercoglossum, and D. crystallium; b thick-and rigid-stem group, including D. fimbriatum and D. aurantiacum var. denneanum; c node-or inter- node- bulgy-stem group, including D. findlayanum, D. gratiosissimum, D. pendulum, and D. wardianum. The surface descriptions of velamen were conducted for D. fimbriatum and D. aurantiacum var. denneanum which are similar in characters of cross section.

方法利用形态组织学方法,对茎多肉质的束花石斛Dendrobium chrysanthum及其易混的玫瑰石斛D.crepidatum、报春石斛D.primulinum、重唇石斛D.hercoglossum、晶帽石斛D.crystallium;茎粗硬的流苏石斛D.fimbriatum及其易混的叠鞘石斛D.aurantiacumvar.denneanum;茎节或节间肿胀的棒节石斛D.findlayanum、杯鞘石斛D.gratiosissimum、肿节石斛D.pendulum和大苞鞘石斛D.wardianum共11种药用石斛根进行显微结构研究;对根横切面结构相似的流苏石斛和叠鞘石斛,配合进行了根被表面制片观察。

In the long term, the amoebae can, among other things, form enormous cysts in the liver and other organs, which sometimes may only be discovered on investigation by a doctor for other conditions such as unexplained weight loss or illness.


For the apocalyptically inclined, the notion of an implanted "mark of the beast," a chip embedded in living flesh, resonates more luridly than any mere clip-on ever could, whether that mark is used to open a garage door, access the Internet with a thought instead of a keystroke, or record and replay the climactic moments of a wedding night.


The discovery of this giant Armillaria ostoyae in 1998 heralded a new record holder for the title of the world's largest known organism, believed by most to be the 110-foot-(33.5-meter-) long, 200-ton blue whale.


The free bile acid and dihydroxy bile acid glycine union(exisistence by the of non-ionic form ) also be absorb again through the simple proliferation way.this may occurs in any part of the small intestine and colon.


The movement of the water-cooled mould relative to the ingot is essentia...


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
