英语人>网络例句>重被的 相关的搜索结果


与 重被的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This weekly treatment leaves dry, dehydrated skin immediately plump fine lines and wrinkles, smoother and younger-looking.Step 1 : The concentrated Hyaluronic Gel (1oz / 29.5ml) with a cocktail of antioxidants that plumps trouble areas, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles caused by dehydration.

每周一次,可使干燥及缺水的肌肤实时得到水份补充,细胞回复饱满,细纹自然得被抚平,肌肤重见年轻细致:步骤一:琉璃醣碳基酸精华液(1oz / 29.5ml)具美白、保湿、维持肌肤弹力的作用。

The role point to control the problem of audit collusion is to readopt and restructure the measures that proved to be effective.


But when they got there, they saw the old castle was rebuilt.


Public registers drive serious offenders underground, which makes them harder to track and more likely to reoffend.


After 3000, and as all four subtle bodies have been rewoven, they can begin to rotate together at a fast enough pace to cause a rather rapid rise in vibration.


Scape usually longer than leaves, with 2-3 flowers each with 1bract, floral bract hooded, broad-ovate, as long as ovary, blunt and usually 3-lobed at apex; flower green-yellow, dorsal sepal white with yellow-green veins and green base, elliptic, 4-4.5cm long, short-pointed at apex, keeled on back, pubescent at base inside, petals very long, pendulous, twist, linear, 8.5-12cm long,6mm wide in middle; lip reversed helmet-shaped, longer than dorsal sepal, with claw almost as long as hood, side lobes inflexed, auricles large and nearly broad-triangular; staminode obcordate; stamens with thick and short filaments; ovary rostrate, 5.5cm long, glabrous.

花茎常长于叶,具2~3朵花,每花具一枚苞片,花苞片兜状,宽卵形,和子房等长,顶端钝而常3浅裂;花绿黄色,重萼片白色而有黄绿色的脉和绿色的基部,椭圆形,长4~5.5cm ,短尖,背面具龙骨状突起,基部内侧被短柔毛;花瓣极长,悬垂,扭曲,条形,长8.2~12cm ,中部宽约6mm ;唇瓣倒盔状较中萼片长,具爪,爪几乎和兜等长,具内折侧裂片,耳大而近阔三角形;退化雄蕊倒心形,上面基部具一个角状突起;雄蕊具短粗的花丝;子房具喙,长约5.5cm ,无毛。

Rapid Smiting is influenced by status physical attack power only and the weight and refine of the current equipped shield.


The golden lion tamarin simply must not become extinct, so people tried to get many young tamarins in captivity. It worked. In the mid 1980s, they began to set the golden lion tamarin out in nature again. They were brought to live in a National Park where guards could protect them.


"A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed, One too like thee: tameless, and swift , and proud."


A heavy weight of hours has chain'd and bow'd One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
