英语人>网络例句>重被的 相关的搜索结果


与 重被的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A good home theatre system must be made to handle a lot of volume,resolve dialogue appropriately,reveal all other sound-track information and recreate realistically dynamic information without breaking up.The Dul'cets meet all these criteria,with an additional bonus-they can be used in audio-only applications,covering smoothly the audible frequency range.


I was huddled under the quilts shaking with dread--my nerves were shot by the age of four and so they have remained--when I heard Felix kick open the door to his room and thump down the wooden steps in his heavy brogan work shoes,which he'd not not taken off all night.

我被拥挤在下棉被摇动和恐惧--我的神经是开枪不迟于年龄的4 因此他们保持了--时候我听到菲利克斯踢把门公开给他的房间和重击向下木制的步骤人在他的重的劳动靴操作鞋,这他会不不拿离开完全夜晚。

In contrast, the increases of the ellipticity of outgoing optical waves are obvious with the raise of Faraday rotation in non-fourfold-symmetry structures.


Zen-Ruffinen, by showing him how 'innovative' he shouldhave been . If all the gobbledygook had any meaning it seemed


For by statute 3 Hen. VII. c. 2. it is enacted, that if any person shall for lucre take any woman, maid, widow, or wife, having substance either in goods or lands, or being heir apparent to her ancestors, contrary to her will; and afterwards she be married to such misdoer, or by his consent to others, or defiled; such person, and all his accessories, shall be deemed principal felons: and by statute 39 Eliz. c. 9. the benefit of clergy is taken away from all such felons, except accessories after the offense.


The emperor over the mind dominated by the threefold cycle was dethroned and all the lesser defilements tumbled down like ninepins. Such was the final stage of exertion, the last leg of the long journey, being unlimited by time but always directed at the goal which was then in sight.


In speaking of the subjectification of objectivity, what I have in mind is a conceptual reorientation through which talk of our access to objectivity is brought within or recast in terms of what can be found within subjectivity, understood as that domain to which we are held to have unproblematic access.

在说到objectivity 的subjectification,我想说的是'一个概念上的重定向',通过它对objectivity的可达的说法是内部获得的,或是根据在subjectivity内部所能发现的东西而重铸recast的,而这个区域被理解为我们达到它是没有问题的。

Legacy applications do not need to restructure their painting code if they want to add translucency or transparency effects for a window, because the system redirects the painting of windows that called SetLayeredWindowAttributes into off-screen memory and recomposes it to achieve the desired effect.

因此系统不会因为窗口的一部分被其他移过来的窗口挡住而重绘此窗口,遗留下来的程序如果要对窗口加入透明效果不需要去重构它们的绘制代码,因为系统重定向窗口的绘制过程,即 SetLayeredWindowAttributes 到离屏内存并且重新组合它来达到想要的效果。

Rather than challenge dirigisme , the British and Americans are busy following it: Gordon Brown is ushering in new financial rules and higher taxes, and Barack Obama is suggesting that America could copy some things from France, to the consternation of his more conservative countrymen.


However, a month later, he was told that her son is medically considered irreversible, and severe Down's syndrome patients.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
