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与 重新考虑 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

General Motors is considering a diesel for some of its thirstiest trucks, such as the newly-redesigned Chevrolet Silverado pickup, but the firm's vice-chairman, Bob Lutz, frets that the extra cost of future pollution-control technology may price diesels out of the market.

通用公司在考虑为它的那些油耗量较大的卡车安装柴油机,比如不久前重新设计的雪佛兰Silverado pickup,但是通用的副主席Bob Lutz 不无担忧地指出,为减少污染而付出的额外成本可能导致柴油机定价过高,从而被挤出市场。

When your city treasury is rich enough, you can start to build your city taller instead of wider by rezoning some of the areas that are already developed.


For all the blood and anger, might this war lead to another reweighing of costs and benefits of the sort that has unblocked diplomacy after previous hard-fought draws between Israel and its neighbours?


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They will get down to the serious business once again when day two of the six party talks reconvenes .


We will try to garbage collect, but you may consider rebooting.


The FIA has agreed to include article 40.13 on the agenda of the next Sporting Working Group for discussion and to consider the scale of post race penalties.

FIA也同意把规则40.13提上议程,在下一次Sporting Working Group会议上讨论及考虑重新量罚。

By simplifying the mechanical model,constitutive relation defined in principal direction based on elasticity theory with different moduli was rebuilt in common ordinates,and tension-compression area was divided.


Increasingly, newsrooms -- traditionally without walls and offices -- are being reorganized in light of even greater demands for cooperation.


I'm thinking of re-entering her.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
