- 与 重力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The forms in Figure 1 must be capable of resisting both hydrostatic and gravity loads.
表格中的数字1 ,必须能够抵御静水和重力负荷。
Is analyzed The result shows that after ponding, the horizontal displacement and vertical displacement of dam increase to some different extent, the incensement is related to the height of dam's ponding.
The simulations also show that on gas displacement front , CO2 drive is gas expansion drive when CO2/N2 slug, intraformational heterogeneity is more important than gravity segregation for the gas flooding of low permeable oil reservoir .
We finished the forward simulation of the single and combination model, and inversed the parameters of the fault.
Based on the idea that mineral resources system is a kind of grey system and geophysical prospecting information is a kind of grey system of information, a new inversive method combining grey relation with orthogonal test for gravitational inverse problem is discussed.
The inversive result of remained gravity anomaly around the drilling well ZKY1 at Xiangshan in Xinjiang conforms with the Cu-Ni deposit geological data provided by the geological team.
At first,the curve of charge distribution,ionizable state of nonisothermatity sphere,Was obtained by computer to calculate ionized state according to distribution data of temperature and dinsity within Earth. Secondly,the pussibility of microgravitational testonosphere,Within the isothermality sphere,was found by balance between pressure and volumetric forcein Earth's interior.The thickness is 1 000 km or so.Finally,the result come into commom use various geophysical process withi...
The results of thermal stress analysis lay the solid foundation for design and improvement for gravity supports system for ITER.
A time sex usage the 滤 divided by the leuco - cell blood transfusion the 器 to make use of the gravity blood or blood component the approval filter divided by the leuco - cell with the 滤, and combine to infuse into the human body or for nothing bag amid.
The lithologic pools produced by gravity flows are considered as one of the important types in petroleum exploration.
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