英语人>网络例句>那很好 相关的搜索结果


与 那很好 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the Sakha people had had such an effective cure at their disposal, why was leprosy so devastatingly prevalent in the region?


He thinking no harm agreed, and being in the head of the Boat set the Sails; and as I had the Helm I run she Boat out near a League farther, and then brought her too as if I would fish; when giving the Boy the Helm, I stept forward to where the Moor was, and making as if I stoopt for something behind him, I took him by Surprize with my Arm under his Twist, and tost him clear over-board into the Sea; he rise immediately, for he swam like a Cork, and call'd to me, begg'd to be taken in, told me he would go all over the World with me; he swam so strong after the oat that he would have reacht me very quickly, there being but little Wind; upon which I stept into the Cabbin and fetching one of the Fowling-pieces, I presented it at him, and told him, I had done him no hurt, and if he would be quiet I would do him none; but said I, you swim well enough to reach to the Shoar, and the Sea is calm, make the est of your Way to Shoar and I will do you no harm, but if you come near the Boat I'll shoot you thro' the Head; for I'm resolved to have my Liberty; so he turn'd himself about and swam for the Shoar, and I make no doubt but he reacht it with Ease, for he was an Excellent Swimmer.


The Hunspell dictionary maintainers have done a great job creating high-quality dictionaries that anybody can use, but one of the problems with any dictionary is that there are inevitably omissions, especially as new words appear or proper nouns come into common use. We at Google are in a good position to use our knowledge of the internet to identify and fix some of these omissions. The Google translation team used their language models to generate a sorted list of the most popular words in each language. This was cross-checked with the Hunspell dictionaries to generate a list of the top 1000 words not present in each dictionary. This list includes many popular words, but also common misspellings. To remove these words, each list was reviewed by specialist in that language. Generally, we tried to keep proper nouns and even foreign words as long as they were in common usage.

Hunspell字典维护人员已经完成了一项伟大的工作,那就是创建了一个高质量的可供任何人使用的字典但是所有的字典都存在一个不可避免的问题就是词条的遗漏,特别是新出现的名词和专有名词开始广泛使用的时候我们这些在Google工作的人可以很好地使用我们的网络知识来识别并确定一些遗漏 Google翻译团队使用他们的网络模型来为每一种语言产生一个排好序的最流行词汇表它与Hunspell词典相互检验然后生成每一个字典都没有的最流行的1000个单词的列表这个列表包含了许google地球免费多流行词汇,但是也包括了常见的错别字为了删掉这些词,每一个列表都要经过语言专家的审查一般来说,我们试图包含常用的专有名词甚至是外语词汇

The time you really very nice to me, then I really do not Hou's sensible, do not know how to cherish, the three-year love affair forfeiting on my hands.


It was a beautiful church with manicured grounds.


It was because of my English is not very good, so in your understanding may explain than others to spend more time with the German road environment is not very familiar with, so I feel very need to start as early as possible in cars, find their own inadequate, spend more time preparing, if November 5 learner drivers began, it is too tight a time, I did not grasp.


It was a very good school and a very expensive one, and most of the Wades' friends thought they were being rather fancy in sending Laura there.


Happily, a number of falsehoods long popular in Africa are being exposed. One is that dictatorship and one-party states do better at imposing discipline to spur economic growth. Look at China, some say. A recent paper by two Oxford academics rubbishes that theory, not just in Africa. The same paper rightly lauds another good African trend, to impose term limits on leaders.


Upon this Occasion of removing my Ammunition, I took occasion to open the Barrel of Powder which I took up out of the Sea, and which had been wet; and I found that the Water had penetrated about three or four Inches into the Powder, on every Side, which caking and growing hard, had preserv'd the inside like a Kernel in a Shell; so that I had near sixty Pound of very good Powder in the Center of the Cask, and this was an agreeable Discovery to me at that Time; so I carry'd all away thither, never keeping above two or three Pound of Powder with me in my Castle, for fear of a Surprize of any kind: I also carry'd thither all the Lead I had Belt for Bullets.


"It was a good pitch to a normal person," Zach Greinke said of his 2-1 first-inning fastball that was on the inside corner of the plate and driven well over the left-field fence by Rodriguez.

那一球对普通人来说是颗投的很好的球,』Zach Greinke说起第一局那个一好两坏时投到内角的快速球,结果这颗球被辣哥轰到左外野围墙外。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
